The Tidal Wave

“Just as Death and Destruction are never satisfied, so human desire is never satisfied.” Proverbs 27:20

Even as a married woman, sometimes when my husband is not home, sexual cravings come like a huge tidal wave wanting me to take care of myself, and I have to say, “NO, I ain’t doing that!” I have to look down at my girly members and say, “Line up right now in Jesus’ name. I rebuke and reject the spirit of lust and perversion, and I submit to the Spirit of God.”

God created us with female hormones and bodily functions. It almost seems unfair to tell us to shut it down and rebuke it away, right? The scientific nature of our bodies shows the beauty of God but also our great need for Him. When we give our bodies over to what it wants when it wants it, it shows a lack of self-control, and we need God to produce this godly characteristic in us by His Spirit.

A woman who masturbates as a single most likely will be a woman who masturbates as a married woman, and it enters our psyche that we don’t need a man to take care of us sexually, that we are “good.” It confuses our whole system because that is not how God created us to be gratified. It can be damaging psychologically without us being aware.

I’m praying today for my single sisters, my married sisters, my widowed sisters, and my divorced sisters who are struggling. Praying God steps in with His strength, His wisdom, and His power when that tidal wave shows up, telling you to give in to the desires of your flesh. I know for a fact when we resist the devil, he will flee.

For my married sisters, I encourage you to go to your husband and communicate your needs. God gave him to you to satisfy you. I know it’s not easy for my single sisters, but God is able! The desires of your body may be strong, but it’s not stronger than the love and power of God. At your weakest, His strength is made perfect in you.

Let’s declare today, “Father, I command my body to line up right now. I speak to my body and command it to settle down. I reject the enemy’s lies that tell me I can take better care of myself sexually than a man can. I reject the lie that tells me God won’t provide what I long for. I rebuke the spirit of lust and perversion, and I submit to the Spirit of God only. My body belongs to God, and He will produce in me the godly characteristic of self-control and patience. God will help me depend on Him and trust in His love and His power. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

(Read 1 Corinthians 6:18; 2 Timothy 2:22-26; Romans 6:19; Philippians 2:13)

26 thoughts on “The Tidal Wave”

  1. Thank you for this word!!! I praise GOD for my deliverance I received a few years ago 🙌 It’s not easy to admit you’re struggling or have struggled with a sin but remember there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus and deliverance is available to anyone who believes and wants to be set free!! I love you ABBA 💙

  2. Thanks be to God! I’m so glad ee have a god of second chances., we might fall short but we just don’t stay there! Repent get back up and don’t go back! Hallelujah! Being obedient to our God takes a whole lot work when the enemy is always on the prowl! But I serve a God of new mercies and forgiveness! I rather wait on a husband god has for me. The bed is devile. Thank u lord for this prophetic word. ! Be Bless

  3. Thank you for this devotional. It doesn’t just apply sexually but also with eating. I have check different appetites in my life. Blessings, Shalom and Agape. 🙏🏽❤🙏🏽❤🙏🏽

  4. Thank you God for this word sent through sister keshia, I’m single and I really needed to hear from you on this topic, I struggle with this daily and need your help in this area of my life. thank you for sending this word and prayer to me today. Please continue to for me in JESUS name. Amen. 🙏🙏🙏

  5. Thank you for this word, Kisha. The struggle is real, but God is GREATER! So important to crucify our flesh daily!

  6. This blog rarely writes lies but today it did. However I still support this blog. Show me one scientific study where married women masturbate due to doing so when single. I’ll wait

    1. Stress relief is why God makes masturbation possible. Plus other reasons. He ain’t dumb he designed it. Otherwise most straight women would never have come also. Imagine how empty the population if women had to come to get pregnant

    2. I masturbated before I was married and when I married it was harder to obtain pleasure from the hands of my husband because I had gotten so use to my own touch that anything less than that was not satisfying me or was not as intense or pleasurable. I masturbated in marriage. The spiritual, emotional, mental and physical consequences of masturbation that I experienced makes it not worth it for me.

    3. My experience: I masturbated before I was married and when I married it was harder to obtain pleasure from the hands of my husband because I had gotten so use to my own touch that anything less than that was not satisfying me or was not as intense or pleasurable. I masturbated in marriage. The spiritual, emotional, mental and physical consequences of masturbation that I experienced makes it not worth it for me.

  7. Amen.
    I do like these truthful devotionals that helps promoting growth in many areas. These past few months have been a “tidal wave” with me desiring to be married again. I’m so thankful that I have been given self-control not to masturbate or any emotion like it. But, I’m desiring a touch from a man, my husband that I don’t have at this time. I had a friend and I had to stop myself being alone with him because of temptation. I have it’s a must, to submit my thoughts as well as my body to line up with His Word to be obedient!! People tell me that my standards are too high. And I have to always tell them that my Father knows me and know my needs and wants, knowing what is best for me. He have standards and so should I. I will wait on Him.

    Sister Kesha, thank you for bringing truth always. This devotional as I shared before is how we as DOTK will get untangled and set free from bondage of all kinds so we can triumph in every situation.
    God bless 🙏💐❤️

    1. Your standards are not to high. Your standards will protect your heart. The word says, guard your heart because out of it are the issues of life. In the past, anytime I lowered my standards I was left broken mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. It is just not worth it. I use to struggle with masturbation, but God delivered me. What keeps me delivered is knowing that I can’t afford to abort what God wants me to birth to be planted in this earth. I must keep every part of me clean and consecrated to Him for the work and people He has called me to. It is my consecration season. Next year, I will be starting ministry. I ran from God and the call for years for several reasons. I was even back and forth with God. Now, I am just at a place of surrendering. It’s been a process but thank God, I am here. I can’t breath without Him. Without Him, it is like I walk around alive but dead. In Him, I am so alive. This is the first time in my life that I have the courage and faith that I have now, and everything is just falling into place. A moment of pleasure is not worth my destiny. My passion is for God’s Kingdom, to see His church built and growing spiritually and bringing souls to Christ. I am even fasting with much greater ease in this season. I am in a season of grace and it is so beautiful. I pray this testimony ministers to someone else here and helps them to catapult.

  8. So very true! We have to practice self-discipline and patience in the name of Jesus
    It doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy especially if we’re trying to do it in our own strength. We have to rely on God’s strength to empower us! God bless you! 🌼♥️🌞🌞

  9. A real sista who keeps it real because she is a real woman of God. Love you beautiful sister who has a beautiful heart that Christ has enlarged.

  10. Hi, I need prayer regarding this area. It’s been a few years where this son hadn’t been constant in my life thanks to God but for some reason just a few months ago it hit me again and I don’t understand why. I’ve been constant in prayer, reading Gods word daily and seeking God intimately. It makes me feel shameful and disgusting to think that I am hurting my relationship with God because of this. Your prayers are powerful sisters and I need them right now. I’m in tears because of all the pain. This has been ongoing since I was 10. I of them think how could I have been so young, then I pray to God no other children get sucked into pornography and other things, God don’t allow it. Breaks my heart to think others going through the same like me.

  11. Amen to Sister Kesha for telling the TRUTH! The Bible clearly speaks of unclean things/acts. We must ALL yield not to temptation. ✝️♥️

  12. Glory to God… Single… Saved… Celibate!
    Isaiah 26:3 “The steadfast of your mind You will keep in perfect peace, be he/she trust in You. NASB

  13. I’m just NOW reading “The Tidal Wave” devotional and it’s JUST WHAT I needed!! Thank you for posting this. Many of us needed this reminder!!!

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