To my DOTK Family

Hi DOTK Family,

I pray you and your loved ones are well. My sisters, this Mom of six is totally exhausted. Mentally, physically and emotionally. So I am taking a break from DOTK for the next two weeks. The releasing of devotionals will pause until March 17th. During this time, I hope you will open your Bibles and let God’s Word encourage you. You can also reread the devotionals I’ve already released and let them encourage you all over again. Thank you for giving me this time to rest and for being so understanding. I love you my sisters with all my heart.

Kesha Trippett

156 thoughts on “To my DOTK Family”

  1. Thank you Kesha and the DOTK family please take this time to rest. I appreciate your daily Devotionals and I pray during your rest God revamps you to power up even more. You have a made difference in my life and I’m sure others. Thank you for all you do until March 17th be blessed and enjoy your Quality Me Time 🙏🏾

    1. Thank you so much kesha and all the family …thank you for sharing such a messages and encouraging me ..i wake up with a new challenge everyday i know it Happens with many of us but as i receieve ur message by evening indian time 4pm I get new answer to face the challenge through your message which is revealed by God thanx a lot will miss u ..and may God be with u ..

      1. Good morning Kesha I pray all is going well during your time of rest
        1. In Christ
        2. With your Husband
        3.With your kids
        Our personal relationship with Christ our family and then Ministry theirs order in everything we do and our Heavenly Father wouldn’t have it no other way I enjoy reading your daily devotion always always always on point, I have shared this app with so many other sisters and I’m always blessed by it and to all my sisters in Christ have a bless day.

    2. Thank you Kesha for always taking charge and leading us. I will pray for you, my sister, that you find rest and solace in these next 2 weeks. I will keep you in my prayers. So often, as we women do, we take the left overs rather than newly picked fruit. Take care and be well. I will keep you in my prayers for healing and guidance.

    3. Blesses beyond to you my dear you are daughter of the king you desire and you need rest you give out so much May the blessings of the lord be richly Open you and your family

    4. I will Be praying for you , Thank You soo much for all God made you to be and do , You have carried me so muchand far , I bless u in theName of my Father in Haven and i Praise and Thank Him for a Sister like You 💕💜

      1. God bless you Kesha.. the bible says and the on the 7th day God rested..beloved at this time of rest,may the lord refresh you and double your strength, I ll advise you get an assistant to help,God bless the six blessings

    5. Thank you so much Keisha for your daily encouragement. It is a daily on time word for me and those I share it with. May the Lord give you rest during this time and many, many blessings to you and your family.

      1. Thank you for your daily encouraging words each day, you have poured into other next get some much needed rest. I ask God to give you rest, peace and revive your spirit.

    6. God bless you my sister my name is Warren I have been sending your messages to a number of my family and friends on Facebook for the last 2 years it is been very much a blessing reading about your struggles and your works through others put the power of the Holy Spirit leading you please rest your mind and your soul and of course I will resend my devotional so I can make sure that my circle of family and friends continue to be blessed blessings to you and yours enjoy your rest

    7. Get some well deserved rest sweet sister. Every morning & night I looked forward to sharing our word it really & truly encourages me. I share with other women what Keisha shared in DOTK.
      Love You My Sister In Christ

      1. Praying for you and your family for strength and that God will empower you with much more wisdom,knowledge & deeper understanding than you can ever imagine. We are in for something Great when you return. I Love you so much Keisha. When I got up & read I’m like ” I gotta read Keisha!” Look Out!! God has something really good in store for you!! Rest Well In His Presence!

    8. Thank you so much for inspiring others . Yes , you rest and enjoy your sister . My Word , is open ready to read and mediate on Gods Word .

    9. Thank you dear sister for your faithfulness in this ministry . I have deeply been encouraged by the devotions you share. I thank God for you…. Because your devotions have really ministered to me as if God had put the right words in your devotions to speak to me during the season I am going through…… I will pray for rest upon you my sister and God to fill you up overflowing in abundance… That you may continue the ministry that you do…… God bless you dear sister and your family ❤️

    10. My sister morning.
      Thanks for the great work that you do.
      I hope that you will make the best of your two weeks get plenty of rest.
      May God continue to bless and be gracious to you and your family.

  2. Thank you for sharing your messages they have been really encouraging. I pray that god will overflow heart with more to come it truly has been a blessing

  3. God Bless You and your family ♥️ Thank you for your obedience to God’s word, washing us with the water of the word and for listening to the guidance of much needed rest. May the Holy Spirit fill your cup to over flowing.

        1. Thank you Kesha for all your encouragement!! Prayers for rest for you and your soul. That you may enjoy this time with your family♡
          Blessings my sister!!

        2. Resting at Jesus feet will restore your soul and renew your mind your heart belongs to Jesus thank you for a great journey thus far go get renewed refreshed restored for this next season to come
          We will keep your arms lifted while you rest
          Xoxo 💕🙏

      1. My sister morning.
        Thanks for the great work that you do.
        I hope that you will make the best of your two weeks get plenty of rest.
        May God continue to bless and be gracious to you and your family.

    1. Amen get the rest you need, that’s very important. Thank you for being a vessel for God. You are truly a blessing. Enjoy

    2. I thank God for you and your teachings.
      Please get some much needed rest and return to us when you are replenished. I love you my Sister, please take care of you🙏🏾🙏🏾😇♥️

  4. God will give u the rest, healing, and strength that you need my beautiful sister. Trust I’ve been right where you are multiple times in my life and the way God speak to me through you,I wish I could speak to you the same but I do know that he will not put more on you than you can bare. You got this queen! Get your rest and I’ll be praying over, with, for you and your beautiful children. God bless you my sister.

  5. Hugsss all the way from Trinidad. There comes a time when we all just need to rest. Rest in the loving arms of our Father. Keep well until. #yougotthis

  6. I pray that God would refresh you, rejuvenate you, restore you, like never before. Thank you for allowing God to use you to be a blessing to so many of us. Will be praying for your strength. Take Care ! ♥️♥️

  7. Praying you are refreshed and filled to overflowing in the Presence of Jesus! Thank You so much for your ministry. Enjoy your time with your precious family. Blessings!!

  8. Live and hugs to you. Take the time to relax and enjoy God’s presence. We love and appreciate you my dear.

  9. I totally agree with all said above. You certainly need to rest in His loving arms from time to time. Relax & enjoy it. Thank you so very much, Keisha, for your obedience to God’s leading & all the wonderfully encouraging & inspirational devotions. Gloriously abundant blessings to & your family.
    Rest in HIM & be refreshed, renewed & revived & restored. Much love always 💕❤️🙏🏽🙌🏽🙏🏽

  10. I pray that God will strengthen you …and that he’ll make you stronger than ever before Thank you For all the great impact you made in my life through God’s word God bless you 🙏
    I love you

  11. The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Exodus 33:14
    Thank you for letting The Lord use you every day with those words of encouragement and with your personal testimonies! You are a blessing to may people! God bless you🌹🙏

  12. I pray you enjoy your rest with your family. I pray you rest in his presence and find strength in Him all over again! Thank you for your obedience your word is always timely! It’s as if God is speaking directly to me! I am so blessed by your ministry to His daughters! I’m so glad you didn’t change the name last year!
    God bless you!
    Sincerely Ortega

  13. Thank you for all of the words of encouragement over the years. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 for peace and rejuvenation when you return. Get the rest you need. Much love 🥰 A faithful reader. You have helped so many. Take care of yourself.

  14. Rest your soul momma. Thank you for being an encouragement for us all through the Lord. Love you girl!

  15. I thank God for the strength and love that is showed from you women of God. When our body said rest we must rest . I thank you for the word everyday and for your dedication to bring it forth food for our soul. God bless you and keep you until then.💜💜💜💜🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿

  16. May God continue to strengthen you in everything you have released unto us ,may the joy of the Lord continue to be your strength and I thank you for the time that you have shared with us. God’s blessings up on your life, not just you your family as well blessings to you woman of God get your rest peace be multiplied.

    1. Thank you Keisha for your teaching and inspiring words I pray that you get all the rest that you need for your family and yourself may God bless you 🥰🙏🏽

  17. My beloved sister, sweet girl you go right on ahead and take your well deserved break! God sees and He knows your heart and so do we, your sisters! I will definitely miss your devotionals, I soooo look forward to them every day, but I understand your NEED for physical rest. Enjoy your time of being “away” and may our Father’s richest and choicest blessings be yours and your family’s ALWAYS! Until the seventeenth…God bless.

  18. May god bless you and strenghen you as you take time to rest in his loving arms ❤ Thankyou for all the encouragment you have sowed into out lives this is your time for reaping 🙏🙏🙏❤❤XX

  19. May God strengthen you all . I thank God for your daily nuggets and I pray that you are renewed in body and mind . Blessings always 🙏🏾❤️

  20. May the Lord bless your time of rest and rejuvenate you and your family in this time. Thank you for your ministry and obedience, it is always a blessing to me.

  21. GM! As a mom of seven, I totally understand. May God bless you with sweet rest.. Much love and God Bless 🙏

  22. Dearest Sister in Christ, you are a blessing to many. I pray that you will receive the rest you need. Lord be with you and your Family, I thank you for your faithfulness to us all.

  23. Understood my dear sister in-Christ!!! In your time of rest, may our LORD GOD release in you an impartation of more divine wisdom and spiritual knowledge! I shall use the time myself to seek His face more and allow the previous devotions to minister to me over and over again. Will be praying for you and your household. Shalom 🙏💞✝

  24. Blessings my sister! We totally understand. Let God give you a renewed strength. We can’t thank you enough for all of the powerful and spirit filled messages. Get your rest! Love to you and your family ❤️

    Your sister in Christ!

  25. Good time to rest. Thank you for all of your Devotionals and time you give to it. I appreciate it. God loves you and so do we.
    #love yourself

  26. God bless and keep you sis, please take the much needed rest. I pray God refresh you and fill you to overflow as you rest in Him.
    Love from Nigeria

  27. Love you KeeKee, get you some rest I’ve been following you for years now and just know that you are loved and truly in tune….
    Rest recharge and reload I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us….. There’s no other devotional like yours his
    Jeremiah 29:11

  28. Thank you my sister for pouring out for what God pours into you. May God strengthen and replenish you. You are blessing to His kingdom.

  29. Thank you beautiful Queen for all that you pour out for us. I ask God to restore you IJN Amen. Self care is everything and I’m glad your taking time to refuel back up. God bless bless you and the entire family

  30. My dearest Sister Kesha,
    Just know that your work has not been in vain. Enjoy your resting period. Thanks for all you do, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    1. Yes my sister we all need rest and we need to know when to do so,so get you mental physical and emotional strength lined up Thank you for sharing yourself with us ,see you in two weeks may the Lord give you your heats desires In JESUS CHRIST NAME AMEN PRAISE GOD

  31. My Dear Sis Keisha You have been a Blessing for me So long, I look forward in reading The Devotional each and every day, they are a Joy to my Soul! You get the rest and enjoy your family! God Is So Good over and above! Thank You for Sharing Your Gift! Blessings and much Love to You!!!

  32. Thank you so Much for your on point /time encourging words sent from God 🙏🏿 I looked forward to reading
    every morning and know it was God Speaking through you to me…I will keep you in my prayers My sister..Allow God to give you that REST you need and REST to Refuel and come back to your Sisters Refreshed ..👐🏽🙏🏿

  33. Thank You for being vessel.. For everyone and everything needs rest and recharge .. Continue to be blessed in all you do.. Mommy love on the children while God loves on you blessings to ur family and blessings to DOTK family ❤️🙏🏾

  34. May you find times of refreshing and rest physically, spiritually and emotionally while you recharge and rejuvenate!! We understand how much you need this and pray God’s favor and blessing over you. We will be right here when you return. Thank you for your dedication and obedience to God which has benefited so many others. 💕💕

  35. May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ comfort you and refresh you in your time of rest. I will pray, meditate, study, and we read your devotions have a blessed rest.

  36. Thank God for allowing to share your beautiful gift with us. I pray that God will continue to keep and uphold you. As you take this time off, God will wrap His loving arms around you, He will give you the strength to rest in His love and be refreshed in Him.
    Thanks for pouring into us daily, may your cup be refilled and be full with wisdom, knowledge and understanding in Jesus name.
    Please enjoy yourself and your beautiful family.
    Don’t forget to enjoy the little things around you and be a child again in God’s presence if you want to. He has a great sense of humor too 😍.

  37. God’s greatest blessings on you and your family! I pray you all be restored, refreshed and rested in His love. Thank you for all you have done thru DOTK! Praying wisdom for you in Jesus Name. Love and honor to you as you honor Him thru obedience to His Word!

  38. Thank you my sister. May God continue to bless you that you be a blessing. Take time to refresh yourself and love your family , God had to rest also. You will be in my heart and prayers , please pray for me durning this very hard time in my life of sickness and pain ,financial difficulties . may GOd Bless you and family ! Amen

  39. I do understand how vital it is to rest & just take time for yourself/family. I pray this will he a time of refreshing & replenishing for you. May God increase you, more & more. I so grateful for all you do.❤

  40. I thank God for all that you have poured into us. I pray that you relax, take care of your family, and get some rest as God continues to take care of you.
    ” come to me, all you who are weary and burden and I will give you rest”(Matthew 11:28) God has promised to give you rest for your soul. Be blessed.

  41. Peace, rest, replenishment!
    Motherhood is the most important assignment given to any woman. Making mature decisions about the proper way to conduct and allocate your time, is spiritual wisdom. Our callings are tough, but the Father keeps them durable.
    Blessings my Sister!

  42. Kesha, may the Lord bless and keep you and your family. I pray for complete restoration and renewal for every place you feel depleted. Thank you for you diligence and obedience to this ministry which has been a blessing to many of us. I hope this time off has some selfcare opportunities for you. May the Lord fill your cup to overflowing. Amen

  43. We are praying for restored health, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Rest in the arms of Jesus as He whispers to you, ” Well done my good and faithful servant”. All my love and prayers for a peace-filled respite!❤💢

  44. ❤❤❤ by all means my sister get your much needed rest 🙂 I appreciate all your hard work and faithfulness……..Thank you Keisha 😌 ps. Take your time….😘

  45. Sweet rest and renewal I pray for you during this time 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻 Thank you for doing this devotional. A blessing I look forward to. See you soon❤️

  46. Lord, thank you for wisdom and discernment to know when tto rest. May you replenish, restore and fill your Daughter with overflow. May she be blessed 100 fold for her faith and obedience in sharing the gospel for glory of your Kingdom. In the matchesless and mighty name of Jesus, Amen🙏🏽

  47. I pray for God to give you a renewed spirit. To refresh you! Rest my sister you are on my thoughts! Looking forward to hearing from you then! Love you🙏🏼❤

  48. Thank you for always blessing us! I am always looking forward to these devotionals. Stay blessed and refreshed sis 💜

  49. God bless you. You have really truly been an amazing part of my life with your devotions. Thank you for allowing God to use you in such a mighty way. I pray for a spirit of peace and rest of your life in Jesus name. All that you pour into others I pray that God will continue and begin to do the same for you and your family.. From my family to yours God bless

  50. Prayers that God will release His healing strength, comfort, and peace and rest upon you. Thank you for all these inspirations. You help so many, including myself. Take time to heal from the stress. 🙏✝️🕊️

  51. My sister, I understand your exhaustion, its been a year of turmoil and we’re all going through something. Praying for you and all of our sisters here. Jesus rested as well as God our father on the seventh day of creation. Hang in there! Sending love and good vibes to you all!

  52. May Holy Spirit restore, refresh and refill you sis. Enjoy your you time and we pray for joy & love to overflow you richly. In Jesus name. Amen.

  53. Thank you so much kesha and all the family …thank you for sharing such a messages and encouraging me ..i wake up with a new challenge everyday i know it Happens with many of us but as i receieve ur message by evening indian time 4pm I get new answer to face the challenge through your message which is revealed by God thanx a lot will miss u ..and may God be with u ..

  54. Be well and may God bless you and your family.This is also a great devotional to us that as women we need to take care or us.Straighten your crown and continue to be the queen that God made you to be.🌹🌹🌹🌹

  55. Thank you, for your daily devotions that are a blessing to many of us. Rest your mind soul and body, we’ll be waiting and praying for you and your family. God bless you

    I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint. Jeremiah 31:25

  56. Sister, you get your rest and take care of you and your beautiful mind and family. God will bless you with all your needs. God bless you my Sister 🙏❤

  57. Rest up Sister may the Lord give you this time to Relax, Recharge, Repeat.
    I thank God for your daily devotions.

  58. Thank you Kesha for all your encouragement!! Prayers for rest for you and your soul. That you may enjoy this time with your family♡
    Blessings my sister!!

  59. Blessssss your ❤🙌🏼 mom of 6 & wife!! At some points when I fostered I was a mom of 6 usually a mom of 5 then 6 every other weekend when my stepson would come down and if it weren’t for the older kids helping with the 2 babies sometimes idk what I would’ve done! May God bless your family & take alot of weight off your shoulders. Your devos will SOOOOOO BE MISSED FORRRR SUUURE!!!! GOD BLESS!

  60. Praying for you sweet sister! Thank you for your heart and ministry for us! I love you so much! God bless you as you rest in Him🙏🏼❤️❤️❤️

  61. Thank you my blesses Sis. Kesha I will be praying🙏🏽 for you and your family asking God to Continue to strength As you take the time you need to take care of yourself and your family God-bless you and I love you My Beautiful Sis Kesha you deserve your break ❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘

  62. My dear Sister.

    Thank you for taking the time to daily pour into us. May God pour back into your life.

    Be Strengthened by God’s Grace

  63. Thank you so much Kesha for everything that you do for us, You and the DOTK family keep me encouraged daily.
    Please take this time to heal thyself mind, body, and spirit. I pray restoration, renewal and healing over you.
    With so much love coming your way…
    Leslie B

  64. Thank you my sister. My prayers goes up for you and your family. May God strenghting you, and fill you and your family with bread of heaven. Many blessings to you and family.
    Much love

  65. We Thank you so much Sister for all your Devotions .we appreciate you and Love you.,💖We will…Pray Gods Love and Wisdom will continue to rain on you. we will wait as you take a break to Rest and get recharged by the Holy Spirit …take care and get your Rest..being a Mom of 6 is a lot of Work.. be Blessed Sister and Your Family!! Blessings to all of you!💖🙏🙏🙌👍😘🌹🌹🌹

  66. Isaiah 40:28-31 Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord , The Creator of the ends of the earth, Neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, And the young men shall utterly fall, But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.

  67. Sweet blessings to you and your family in you time of rest! Wishing you His joy, peace and strength always!

    You are very much appreciated!


  68. Thank Keisha you for always encouraging & pouring into us. Relax, Renew, Refuel
    and be Replenished. I thank God for your family sharing you with us. Looking forward for your return..
    Be Blessed!!
    Much Love & Prayers

  69. Dearest Kesha,

    You are a precious gift to us and treasure in God’s Hands. Praying for you to be nourished, restored, refreshed and find rest for body, mind, heart and soul.

    Praying for God’s covering and protection for you and your family during this season.

    Love and blessings,

    I’ve just recently did the same thing.
    I believe that it is important to take time to rejuvenate, so take all of the time that you need, and we’ll see you when you get back❣️
    GOD BLESS 💕💕💕💕

  71. My sister, take as much time as you need. Thank you for your selflessness and service to advance God’s kingdom!

    You are so loved!


  72. A million plus Absolutelies! Rest beautiful daughter of the King. Peace love and abundance be unto you. Refresh🙇‍♀️

  73. Ok my sister take as much time as you need everyone needs a break relax in the present of God and I will be praying 🙏🙏🙏for you and the DOTK ministry in Jesus name. Amen.

  74. Thank you so much for all that you do. I will keep you and your family lifted up in prayer. Blessings.

  75. Phil.4:19 Kesha& her family right now Jehovah Jireh! Hold her up with your righteous right hand for such a time as this. May she feel all our love, prayers,& gratefulness to& for her.-IJN Amen.

  76. Thank you so much ❤️ for all you have done and allowed God to use you in a mighty way.. Especially for his loving daughters we love you very much so yes take the time to rest and rest with peace and peace ❣️ rest in you…and let God continue to say his words in you… for us daughters…so we will read you two weeks love ❤️❤️❤️ forever His Daughter’s

  77. Thank you Sis. Kesha for allowing the Lord to use you to fill his daughters with an encouraging word daily.

    I pray the Lord replenish, revive, reboot and strengthen you mightily.. in Jesus’ name, Amen.

    You will be missed, I look forward to reading your post upon your return.

    Blessings, Shalom and Agape.

  78. God richly bless u for your daily messages.
    It has been a blessing to me.
    May God bless u.

  79. Thanks from the bottom of my heart, for all the encouragement and wisdom you give. Enjoy your much needed rest, and may the Lord refill your cup, and bless you bountifully in every area of your life. Blessings on you and your family my sister! I love you.

  80. I pray that you be restored completely and the Lord will give you His devine peace and rest. Thank you for all that you do! You are greatly appreciated!

    Again, I want to say THANK YOU 🙏🏽

  81. We appreciate all the exploits God have being using you to do in our lives . As you rest I pray that the Almighty shall renew your strength ,Endue you with fresh anointing for even greater works in His vineyard.
    Your entire family shall never lack anything good in Jesus name . Amen
    Thank you and seeing you on the platform soon .

  82. God bless you and keep you. May he restore the virtue and allow you the rest that is needed. My prayers are with you🙏🏼💛

  83. Good morning woman of God, your post for years has inspired so many women all across the world am in the Bahamas and after i read them i share them with family and friends we are all encouraged and uplifted each day by your post.

    So i pray that as you rest that God will release fresh oil new ideas and inspire you to go forth to touch the lives of many. We love you and pray God’s blessing over you and your family.

  84. Hi Kesha,

    I pray for God’s supernatural strength be upon you and give you peace🙏 we are blessed to have you and hoping that you will get better soon♥️ Thank you and may God bless you more beyond measure🌷

  85. Minister Kesha Trippett, there are no words I can really express for my gratitude towards you im so thankful for all God has done in and through you. God bless you and your family and everything around you fall in place. God bless your friend as well with the kids will be praying as always for the 5 fold ministry..❌⭕❌⭕

  86. Yes my sister rest and self love is so very important 💓

    Rest, recharge and be renewed!

  87. Most definitely rest, woman of God, knowing that you are loved., and your obedience to Our Father in sharing ALL is greatly appreciated!!!

    I have no words to express how God has ministered to me using your faithfulness, transparency… Though I’ve never met you, I feel and believe in your love for me… God bless you, my sister.🌹❤️🙏🏾

  88. Thank you for you! May Gods peace overwhelm you and rest and relax as much as possible. You deserve a brake! Maybe its spa time?.? LOL. Thank you again for being SOOOO wonderful.

  89. Thank you so much for your devotionals Kesha. You’ve helped me so much through life. And the hard stuff that made we wanna give up. Go get your rest. I pray that it renews. You and you feel fresh and a fresh annointing of the holy spirit. Amen. *Hugs*

  90. Lord , I left Kesha up to you and pray you give her the rest she needs. Thank you for sharing your love and the Lords word with us. May the Lord restore and refuel you with his Holy Spirit and give you rest . In his precious name Amen❤️❤️

  91. Thank you Kesha for your faithfulness to the Lord.
    Your devotions helped me so much. Your a blessing to the World.
    Recently God intervened and freed me from a storm I’ve had a Long time. Your devotions spoke to me in ways that lifted up My very soul from ashes into joy and strength.
    May the Lord Bless you in this time of rest, renewing your mind, emotions,body and soul.
    In Jesus name AMEN 🌈
    For He satisfies the longing soul,and fills the hungry soul with goodness.
    Psalm 107:9

  92. May God cover you & ypurs to restore, rejuvenate, refill & elevate your cup. Thank you for ever lifting others up.

  93. Yes Thank You my Sister Kesha. You Have a Besutiful Rest in our LORD JESUS..” ⚘Glory to GOD.” LOVE GOD BLESS and So Appreciate You ❤⚘ Hallelujah ALOHA Always Sister Chrissy Honolulu Hi ❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘

  94. Thank you so much for bringing so many of us comfort and insight in our daily lives, whether a hard time or just what we need to hear that day. May you and your family be so blessed and filled with Shalom, Grace, Wisdom, the Annointing and His rest… my daughters and I love you so much >even without meeting you<, y'all will be in our prayers. 💜🤗 Blessings and Love!

  95. Hi Kesha, totally understand, we love you, you are a Phenomenal woman of God. Take your rest you deserve it. I purchased the Devotions volume 2, beautiful it is…God bless you for service.

  96. God bless you Sister Kesha. I pray He helps you relax, helps you regain your strength & sense of well-being. Take care my sister & enjoy your rest time ❤🙏🕊😇

  97. Received your breakthrough of supernatural strength my sister.
    God has blessed me in so many ways through you. The Lord bless you back a thousandfold. Shalom my sister.

  98. My dear sister, I thank God for you! I pray that he strengthens you in all areas of your life, I pray that he restores what broken in you, he refills any empty areas in you, he replenishes you ! I pray that he gives you wisdom, patience, peace, understanding and power that your fire for him will be stronger.
    I thank you for all you’ve been doing. I have blessed to receive the word through you and this platform and I have also been sharing it. Take time to rest, enjoy your family and restore with love , peace and grace.
    I love you and thank you!!

  99. Beloved woman of God,
    I just wanted to say thank you for stepping out and saying you need this time to get healthy in all areas of your life.
    I pray for God to fill you heart and soul with ALL the things you need to be all that God has placed in your life.
    He does have an order to things and I believe when you step into His order for your precious life He will accomplish all that He want to do through you.
    Your actions speak VOLUMES to all of us who keep giving and giving and giving and never step out to renew and refresh.
    Your a wife and mother first and because you’ve put God first He’s going to give you the desires of your heart.
    May we ALL follow suit and do what He’s called us to do and not waist our time or energy on things that aren’t pleasing to Him.
    Everyday we learn to listen to Him better.
    Thank you for being that example of doing what our Father has called us to do.
    You have an army of women who love the Lord and love you.
    Rest in Him knowing that He’s renewing what you need.
    Enjoy your family……
    Annette 💞🙏🙏💞💞

  100. Beloved woman of God,
    I just wanted to say thank you for stepping out and saying you need this time to get healthy in all areas of your life.
    I pray for God to fill you heart and soul with ALL the things you need to be all that God has placed in your life.
    He does have an order to things and I believe when you step into His order for your precious life He will accomplish all that He want to do through you.
    Your actions speak VOLUMES to all of us who keep giving and giving and giving and never step out to renew and refresh.
    Your a wife and mother first and because you’ve put God first He’s going to give you the desires of your heart.
    May we ALL follow suit and do what He’s called us to do and not waist our time or energy on things that aren’t pleasing to Him.
    Everyday we learn to listen to Him better.
    Thank you for being that example of doing what our Father has called us to do.
    You have an army of women who love the Lord and love you. Rest in Him
    Enjoy your family……
    Annette 💞🙏🙏💞💞

  101. Thinking of you Kesha, trusting God is doing his perfect work in your life!!! See you on God’s divine time.

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