Understand Who Lives in You

“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves…” 2 Corinthians 4:7, NKJV

While sitting in a restaurant one day, I looked around desiring to bless someone by paying for their meal. Because I knew I had money in the bank, I was confident that I could be used by God to be a blessing. Similarly, when you know who lives on the inside of you, you can be confident that God can use you to be a blessing in someone’s life.

You have the Spirit of the Lord residing within you. The Bible also calls Him the Spirit of Glory, and He lives in you. God wants to use you to set people free. He wants to use you to bring repentance and healing to nations. Great revivals and movements in history were sparked by those who were fully persuaded that God lived in them. They walked in the glory of God, and that glory produced visible and tangible results.

When you know who lives within you, you can command light to shine in a spiritually dark place. You can command cancer to leave someone’s body. You can command Satan to take his hands off of your loved ones and command that they are loosed from their bondage. You can walk in the love of God and in the power God like never before. It is Jesus that does the work through you as you lay down your life. He picks it up and lives through you.

Prayer: Father God, thank you that you are alive and thriving in me. I pray that you help me to understand more fully what that means. Work in and through me to heal the sick, to free those who are bound, and to preach your Word loudly with my life and my example. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Read Matthew 10:8; 1 Peter 4:14)

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10 thoughts on “Understand Who Lives in You”

  1. Speak to me Lord work in me to understand more fully what you are help me to do cover me Oh Lord guide me with your power if healing is and my hands Oh God you got the power of healing and using me to speak Life to the sick if it’s God’s will into free them that’s been in bondage My God Thank you for delivery this devotion though this ministry wonderful experience with God in spite of continue to work in my life through the good in the bad so I can go out and feel this way to depend on God and trust me if he send you healing kind of threw your hands to heal someone else and to be obedient to his word God continue to help me and the name of Jesus hallelujah Amen ❤

  2. Thank you God had revealed to me a lesson plan or a teaching on how to help heal people who are emotionally and mentally hurt and how to over come and be healed by the transforming of our mind it was so and still is difficult for me but
    I was recently divorced and the hurt and heart ache and pain I felt of rejection and alone can hurt and wound more than any words can say
    But Through His healing through us God can use us to help heal those by out personal examples of what we go through in our life and over coming can help others down that same detoured path that we don’t plan to go down but we still end up at the same destination but the detoured road can be so unfamiliar and can seem lost or confusing but thank you for this confirmation that God will us me to help heal people as long as He lives within me I can do all things through Him who gives me strength thank you for you spirit filled daily devotions I enjoy everyone of them GG

  3. Dear Lord,
    I thank you for the power of the Holy Sprit, thank you for the Sprit of Glory in me, thank you for this reminder, thank you for loving us soo much given the SAME power that & Sprit which rose Jesus from death. Help us. Abba Father to opperate in the power of the Holy Sprir in our daily lives.. Holy Sprit I need direction on my job & finances, I meed guidances, as i comtinue to do my part & be intentional please guide me indo door of better payimg job or guide with the job I’m now. Your light shine your ways & direction in which way you want me. Cover my patient’s health, giving me physical strength, endurance, protection in caring for them. Calm my anxiousmess in regards of bills that most be paid, bring forth in power of HOLY SPRIT avenues to get caught up, and your covering not to hsve nothing cancel..

    Im humble myself before you waiting in expectatiom your best will for my life.

    Bless Each & One of My Sisters!

    And the founder of this app..

    In Jesus name AMEN!

    I thank you ahead of time for what your doing…


  4. 💞Heavenly Father,I give You praise,honor,and the glory,You’re worthy to be praise!!!💞Father ,I thank You for blessing me,to be a
    blessing to others. Father with a grateful heart I come into Your presence,mindful of Your many mercies that have enriched my life,thank You,thank You…💞💞💞
    1John 4:4 Little children,you are from God and have overcome them,for He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.
    Matthew 18:18
    Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
    I bind sickness and disease in The Blood Of The Lamb,I call out in The Name Of Jesus——Come Forth!!!!!
    ( cancer,high blood pressure,heart disease,diabetes,arthritis, aids,drugs,alcohol,over eating,(addictions),depression, stress,suicidal,low self esteem,
    self pity,frustration,job
    (employed or unemployed)
    homeless,financial, and marriage problems,
    homosexuality).I Command you In The Name Of Jesus-
    To Loose Us And Let Us Go
    In The Mighty Name Of Jesus!!!!
    Lord I thank You for Your
    and conquering sin and death,for redemption salvation, and for life and having life more abundantly. Thank You for restoration of our mind,body,soul,spirit, finances,health,strength,
    love,peace,and joy.
    💞Father thank You for what You have done,what
    You’re doing,and what is to come. Thank You for the
    Precious Blood of the
    Lamb,and Sweet Holy Spirit. In Jesus Name.
    😘💕Love And Blessings

      1. Peace & Blessings My Dear Sisters 😘💕Harris💖 & Claudia💖!!!
        “Where two or more are gathered”…THANK YOU LORD..FOR BEING IN OUR MIDST🙌🙌🙌
        Lord, I Thank You for MY DOTK SISTERS..EACH & EVERYONE OF THEM!!💖😍❤🌞💞🌷🌹👑👼📿💄👜👠👗👒💪💐
        Love Y’all Always💕

  5. Amen..Amen..Amen!!!!!!!!!
    Lord, I Thank You for the Spirit Of Glory..Lord, I Pray that You work in & through me, to heal the sick, free those that are bound & teach Your WORD BOLDLY with my life & example! Lord, I want to be used by You, for Your Honor & Glory, in these last & evil days.
    This I Pray In Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen🙏
    (Thank You For The Prayer❤)
    Lord, Please Continue To Bless & Shine Your Light Of Love Upon Your Obedient Servant Sister Kesha, Her Awesome Team, This Amazing Ministry, My Sister Felicia & My DOTK Sisters💖!!
    Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!!
    Love Always, Your DOTK Sister In Christ, Wendy💕

  6. James1:17 give a clear understanding of the Father’s kindness, willingness, and fearlessness. Our Father is not worrying as the world does sharing a particular task to better the life of man. God has already paid the price and no one has given everything for the power of Holy Spirit. The God I serve give according to His purpose and grace. If the Father did give according to the work of man no one could even fill a cup of water. So, I thank God today for Him allowing me to serve, drawing my attention to love, giving me the Holy Spirit, and Christ for redemption. If it were not for the Lord on my side? Lord thanks for allowing me to want to bless someone else as You see fit.God today I believe the start and finishing of my purpose with all your help.

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