143 thoughts on “We want to know….”

  1. Regardless of the circumstances of the day, regardless of the pain that may be in my heart and regardless of how often i “blow it” my position as a daughter of the King is secure. And no matter how often the enemy tries to convince me otherwise, my eternal dwelling place is with the King, my God and Saviour.

      1. No matter what the enemy try to do to me it can’t break or destroy me because of who I’m a daughter of the most high King. His goodness and mercy are my assurance which I am sure of in my life in Jesus’s name.

      2. Every day EVERY single day I receive a post from here it speaks to me some of my friends, but mostly to my spiritual daughter and I, Everyday we cry to see how much you have experienced God and the relationship you have with God becomes Your reality therefore The Holy Spirit directs you, I quit my job for ministry starting with two hundred dollars that’s about thirty dollars in your currency. When I start thinking if I did the right thing because I just got promoted, one of your post Said Stand And See not Run I wept and I can go on and on, Surely Goodness have surely followed me by speaking to me when there were doubt. Having a peace of mind knowing My Father God have my back, surely Goodness and mercy really following me Amen . Thanks for you being real and sharing your experience with me. Continue to listen God Voice, love you with the love of God. Blessing to you and your family and all my sisters who read this post. I encourage you sisters share with males so they can share with other ladies in their lives

      3. Without a shadow of a doubt the lord’s goodness and mercy shall forever be mine and this confidence and knowledge of this grounds me so much in him, that I shall forever stay in him and serve him

    1. The Lord lets us know,I am always there for you even at our lowest times for His word says His grace is sufficient.Many are the affliction of the righteous but I will deliver out of them all.Cast all our cares onHim

    2. No matter in what situatinion i am i know for sure that his goodness and mercy is with me. He promised to be with me until the end of days. Thats my faith the hope my Jesus Christ.

      1. Sisters, the weapon s will form, but will not prosper.Almighty God has promise to never to leave us no forsake us. He said he will be with us even to the end of the age. Lord I thank you I praise you. Worship and adire your name. God you are so awesome. your goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life. Amen & Amen.

          1. I will dwell in the house of the lord forever is a commitments I most keep to receive all this powerful prayer says as David said we must say an stay connected knowing that if we dwell there no harm will befall us ect. Amen

    3. God wants us to know from this verse, even though we face ups & downs and the toughest struggles seem hard to push through He is still there believing us, caring for us and working in the background in our favor, so we should be thanking Him and praising Him for His faithfulness for His grace and for His favor all the days of our lives, because He will never give up on us.


      1. This verse means to me that I am so truly loved by GOD! I will be there in HIS house to worship and praise God! Nothing can keep me from being with HIM! Forever grateful and thankful for HIS mercy and grace. Makes me want to shout THANK YOU! I am so grateful and truly blessed! I serve an AWESOME GOD! Trust GOD and HE will give you the desires of your heart!

    5. Amen and glory to God for all that he does. I am eternally grateful to have a loving God as the head of my lifeπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

      1. Know matter what I go through…pain, heartache,sickness andlost, the goodness and mercy of a loving God is bigger than anything I may face and his grace and mercy is sufficient


    7. It means to me. No matter what happens. As long as I trust and believe in God. I can withstand anything that Satan throws at me. Truly Goodness And Mercy Will Follow Me All The Days Of My Life. Believing in God. And I’m A True Believer. And I Know It To Be True., I Have Experince It First Hand.

    8. Thank you for your inspiration. I praises God for the daughter’s of the King. It really helps me. In my time of need. And yes the the devil try to kill, steal and destory. But I have the Lord Jesus. He saves me all the time. And I am dwell in His house. Thank you so much. Could you please send me you mailing address. So I can send a little something each month. Have a safe and bless day…

      1. What i got from that verse is just that plain and simple…..surely goodness and mercy wiil follow me because I’m a child of God, all the days of my life, no matter what i face and i will dwell in the house of the Lord, because HE is my shelter all the days my life forever because HE is my GOD…AMEN!!❀

    9. That even when I think I have figured out what the Lord has in store for me, God has got me! His plan for me is perfect!!

    10. This verse means to me that I am so truly loved by GOD! I will be there in HIS house to worship and praise God! Nothing can keep me from being with HIM! Forever grateful and thankful for HIS mercy and grace. Makes me want to shout THANK YOU! I am so grateful and truly blessed! I serve an AWESOME GOD!

    11. Regardless of our trails and tribulations that we may face…. if we believe in Jesus and walk by faith we are covered and protected by his goodness and grace.

    12. Even when our eyes are blinded by tragedy, heartache, catastrophe, sin and life in general, God’s goodness and mercy are ever present. We are rooted firmly by him, our eternity secured in him.

    13. I truly needed this today. I am under attack from Satan! I need all of your prayers for myself..my children and my extended family.

      I need pray for divorce recovery! It was orchestrated from Satan’s
      hand. I suffered both Physical and emotional abuse in that marriage. Without GOD and a loving pastor and church…I would have not made it this far.

      Thank You In Advance For Your Prayers!

    14. We are drawing nearer to HIS return n this world is growing dark, but Greater is HE Ps.46:10 sisters. Spiritual battle daily, put on the “full amor” n walk in Victory. Yes Hua gives us the power to prest on despite the trials n tribulations! Maranatha

    15. This is very encouraging for everyone! It reminds me that I am still loved by God no matter what.

    16. No matter what changes, what trespass happens, what doubt or shift in thinking makes you fear…He remains there, at the ready, in control of it all. Even amidst what you ‘used to thinks’ death.

    17. For me as a child of God ,this verse is a conclusion towards whatever I encounter on earth. God,s goodness meaning peace,joy,victory,love,Favour ,faithfulness,blessings ,multiplication ,in fact all round blessings are my portion anywhere I go unto the coming of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ. His love is inexplicable as I remain under the shadow of His umbrella .Halleluya.

    18. I think of “goodness and mercy” as being two good friends of mine that will always ” have my back”. As I go through life, the blessing of God are with me, and His love is there – giving me a second chance to do over what I have messed up. These two friends of mine are good company to keep.

    19. God got me ! No matter what the situation is he has me. He promised too never leave me nor forsake me , so even when I don’t see my way his mercy is there. Mercy is given too me , even when men don’t feel like we deserve mercy , God gives us both …. so let us not just dwell in God’s house ; let his house dwell in us as well .

    20. This scripture means to me is that no devil in hell, temptation, or greatest desire turn my back on God. I promiseed God I’m not going back I want stand still I’m moving forward.
      Grace and Peace,

    21. When God is number 1 in your heart and mind, then you will have no fears and no worries because He has your back forever.

    22. Amen sister. I agree 100%. God has been so good to me and I know I am in His hands and He will never let go. His Will and purpose for me, my present, past and future is His. I am His to use for His Glory. I fully and totally trust and have faith in my God to hide me under His wings. Glory and honor belongs to my Abba Father. Jehovah Jira my provider, Jehovah Nisi my God who watches after me, God is God and He will never change. Halilujah. Praise God.

    23. Without Jesus there is no hope. Trust in him , he loves you right where you are. A friend in Jesus.

    24. If I just stay with the Lord, never let the Enemy destroyed my relationship with the Lord and stay in God’s Word, praying and fasting and repent, when I do error. Goodness and mercy will be with me according to God word. We can’t earn this, God give it to us because of His love for us.

    25. What This Means To Me…. Me, A Sinner, God Took Me , Inspite of My Sin, Has Given Me The Chance To Right My Wrongs, Through This Love, Though Undeserving Of It, His Love, Mercy & Grace Is Unconditional. He Humbled Me & Showed Me The Extent of The Love He Has For Me… He Showed Me A Love Like I Have Never Experienced. This Love I Found Is A Love I Could Never Forget, & So, I Never Want To Lose. I Know Now, As Long As I Remain In Him, He Will Remain In Me, & He Will Lead Me To My Home W/ Him Forever, & I Look Forward To That Day, & When I Say This Verse, I Really Emphasize It, “AND I SHALL DWELL IN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD FOREVER”… HALLELUJAH !!!!! AMEN & AMEN

    26. The verse give me hope in knowing that as a daughter of the king, I can rest assured that no matter what I am going through goodness and mercy are with me. I give God the glory for being so good to me

    27. Goodness and Mercy is two of my gifts from God to let me know that he is with me everyday of my life no matter what I go though..

  2. God is always working all things for my good.. His grace is sufficient to get me through all my days and as long as I trust and believe in his love for me I am dwelling in his goodness here on earth. Thank you Lord!

  3. No matter how many times I blow it and no matter how much pain I’m in that my God’s hand is upon me forgiving me, fortifying me, and see me through it all until we get to the rainbow.

    1. It means “Hope”, Faith and Love,
      ….hope with knowing, that God will always provide what is needed. It means to have Faith in God’s endless forgiveness. It means God’s Love is for now and all of eternity…..

  4. Good will never leave me or forsake me. His love for me is eternal. He is always willing to bless me with every good thing He has for me. All I need is to fully trust and look to Him in every situation. Believe in Him with all my heart. And I will always be His!!

  5. No matter what may come my way God is with me and will carry me though to victory in the end I win!

  6. God protects and provides for me while I am on earth, and soon I’ll be in heaven with my father living in the home he’sprepared for me.

  7. That know matter how hard things may seem and long as I trust and keep God’s word I will have a resting place when it’s all said and done

  8. As long as I am under the protection of the Holy Spirit, my life will be blessed. As long as I continue pursuing my calling in this life, I will be blessed by the Lord. I should fear no evil, because surely, goodness and mercy will follow me.

  9. God will walk beside you the entirety of your life and all will be well with you. And, when this life is over you will sit at the throne with the father because you lived a life that was close to the word.

  10. I have the Holy Spirit covering my daily walk,so if the enemy tries to divert my path,my omnipresent Father is there guarding my steps. I am calm,relaxed,and faithful in knowing that HE’S here with me always. Thank you Jesus.

  11. This verse let’s me know God got me no matter what. He is Alpha and Omega and his plan will prevail. Grateful for a new day of life and to see another day to get it right. Thank Lord in Jesus name. Amen

  12. Thank you Lord! No matter what may come! You My heavenly FATHER has my back. Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. My love for God is eternal.
    Amen Forever and ever.

  13. It means to me it doesn’t matter what circumstance I find myself in Goodness and Mercy are always with me, like my shadow i can’t escape them even if I tried.When the trials of life are over I will dwell with my Father forever, where His Goodness and Mercy will continue forever!

  14. this message spoke to me because this is the prayer I would pray when I felt alone and a unwelcoming presence around me . I would pray this to be at peace and to call my father closer to me to hold me . And lately I have been lost again . Confused and weak. Thank you God

  15. The Lord showed me mercy the morning my Mema, Mary Sue O’Dell Byers passed away on July 8, 2006. She came to me in a dream at the exact same time she passed. I was in bed in Addison, TX and she in her bed in her home in Ovilla, TX. I didn’t know she was passing away that morning. At about 9am I woke up and sat up, the sun shining through my blinds and something I call the Holy Spirit made me lay back down and I went into a dream where she came to me with her new, beautiful, cancer free body. She looked like she did in the pictures I saw of her as a young mother. She had a peaceful beautiful bright calm light all around her and she said to me, “Pamela, you have more to do with your life than doing drugs. You don’t need to do drugs anymore because you have more to do with your life. ” My addiction was taken away from me that morning and I was drug free for over 7 years and never had a craving for my drug of choice. I battled with alcohol for a little bit during my post-partum depression, but I didn’t go back to my drug of choice for over 7 years until my ex-husband beat me and left me stranded. That lasted a little less than a year, but I know the Lord and His mercy was with me through it all. And I am clean again and living on my own with my son and happier than I have been in a long time. If not for the Lord’s goodness and mercy I would not be able to be comfortable being alone. His love is what gets me through each day and let’s me know I am loved and forgiven! I have so much to be thankful for and my prayer for anyone struggling with any type of addiction is to keep praying and praying and The Lord Will Answer you in his perfect timing! God bless you all beyond our own understanding!

  16. I know that the Lord is with me always, and even in the darkest situation he is still faithful. For God is truly good all the time, and all of the time He is good. So even when I am feeling down, this thought alone brings joy to my circumstance. And knowing that because I have chosen to live for him I am guaranteed life ever after with Him is more than enough to brighten my dreary days. I am thankful for his mercy, I don’t know where I would be without it! My God is awesome!

  17. No matter what dark
    Place saturated with the sins of the world that I may have to go, His mercy and His goodness are with me. They envelope me, saturate me and comfort me. No matter the environment that is out of my comfort zone, and I don’t “feel” like God is there. HIS goodness and HIS mercy are omnipresent. Jesus is more than enough!!! And no matter where I am in this world, HE is my dwelling place!!! Thank you Jesus

  18. No matter what may happen in life and no matter how things may appear to be. No matter the pain nor the heart ache I may have, just to know that Jesus is there for me is awesome.He keeps me and he protects me. To sum it up ,God got me.

  19. Goodness and mercy to me exemplifies Jesus. Jesus will surely follow me all the days of my life and because of his sacrifice and love for me, I will dwell the rest of my days in the house of the Lord. Hallelujah!!

  20. What it means to me as long as I be Obedient and do HIS Will HIS WAY and not trying to intervene by doing things my way, I’m covered

  21. I’ve studied this scripture before, the words follow me there mean to overtake. Which means intent to chase, catch up or even pass someone. So when I’m following the will and voice of God His goodness will chase me with intent to pass or go before me!

  22. It’s means that His mercy and grace are truly sufficient in any situation. I am secure. As I dwell in my Father’s house, in His presence, I’m good. Such a simple concept.

  23. No matter how many times I falter HE never keeps HIS love from me so that is why I never cease to praise HIM for the strength of my life is HE.. Gods mercy is from everlasting to everlasting and new mercies HE shows us all daily. That is why I want to dwell with HIM FOREVER.

  24. Of a truth and without any shadow of doubt I am assured of God’s goodness and mercy. That means that God will not permit harm or evil to befall me. I am assured of God’s mercy. Regardless of my mistakes I am assured of God’s love, grace and pardon. All I need to do is rise up and keep moving.
    I am guaranteed of a place in God’s House as long as I remain His child.

  25. For me, this verse is the assurance that He is always with me and that although there is darkness and sin in this world, the Lord will never leave my side. He will always seek me and love me. At the end of my time here on earth, I will live with Jesus forever in heaven laying my crowns at His feet.

  26. Goodness & Mercy shall follow me all the days of my life means that I shall not want I will lack nothing and in that he will restore my soul every single day he will prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies he will anoint my head with oil and my cup will run over which it does I’m drinking from the saucer because my God is so awesome just like counting my blessings I would be here for days for years I would get carpal tunnel from writing all the blessings God has given to me He blesses me every single day with life with my family with my friends true family and friends who make sure you don’t fall who are always there for you I will fear no evil. and dwelling in his house forever and ever is when I make it to heaven I will dwell in his kingdom for all eternity that’s what this particular scripture means To me all of chapter 23 goes together and it is sooo beautiful beautiful poetry and songs for our AWESOME father Amen. Be blessed my sista-friends Much Love in Christ, DHR😘

  27. Goodness means that His goodness, His provision, every good thing He can do, He will do for me. Mercy means that He will have mercy on me, on my sins, my weaknessess all the things which I do which does not deserve to be forgiven, He will forgive and not count against me as long as I acknowledge Him for Who He is. Will follow me, will be there for me as long as I ask forgiveness and follow Him, all the days of my life which means forever. I will dwell in His house means I will be with Him forever and ever in a personal relationship if He IS my Shepherd and I follow Him and is obedient to His voice and not to the evil one. How great He is !

  28. He loves me and will see me through. No matter what it looks like or may seem. He has me covered and will continue to love me with all my flaws. Just continue to keep my faith and depend on Him with all my heart. Knowledge Him and He will do the rest. He is the beginning and the end. Just trust in Him. Thank You Father! I desire Him and only Him. Yes, my Lord and Savior.

  29. God’s unconditional love surrounds me 24/7 on Earth as it will in HEAVEN.
    NO need to worry about anything! GOD’S plan is perfect for me!!
    Thank you Jesus!!!! *****HALLELUJAH ****

  30. All Glory to our Allmighty Father in Heaven. Thst beautiful verse means to me. The greatest gift of Salvation. Not by our good works. It is a glorious gift from our Lord
    SALVATION!!!! My goodness to be with our Heavenly Fathrt all the days of our life. man could there be anything else ad wonderful as that??? Well I don’t think so. Thank you Gracious God!! Amen. Love and Peace Always and Forever thru Jesus Christ.

  31. This means to me. When I chose God, after which before the Earth began Jesus does for me and God adopted me into His family I will always have the goodness of God and His plans for me being good will always be with me. That the mercy, the shekinah love of God will forever cover my faults because of Jesus will always be with me. Because of His love i will forever dwell in his presence. I will forever acknowledge the reason I was created , to worship him. I thank God for Jesus who gave himself before I was created that God would forever know me as I know him.

  32. Very creative idea DOTK. I like todays different approach in getting us to stop and think and meditate on the word!!!
    A friend of mine gave me a calender with this scripture below it. I believe that if we just believe surely we can have all that God has promised. His goodness and His mercy all of my days from now to eternity life will be everlasting. Real abundant life. I also believe that our belief on His promises will allow the torch to be past down to our children and there children on down the bloodline.

  33. As long as I continue to put God at the forefront of my life I will be secure and have a life of happiness and unconditional love! He will never leave my side even when I feel like He’s not there.

  34. PS. 23:6 Is a verse I truly lived for: I told all 8 of my grown children to live on this verse. Now what this verse means to me; It truly speaks for itself! 😁where ever I go, whatever I do especially not aware of, I know God’s GOODNESS & MERCY ! will follow me in any given situation, Jesus is there!!! Hallelujah!!! Gloryyy!!! ALL THE DAYS OF MY LIFE into eternity!!! I can count on Jesus promise! Amen dwell in the house of the Lord forever, (planted)- rooted stabled amen

  35. I believe what this verse is saying is GOD is with us all the days of our lives. He will provide for us here on Earth and one day He will return for us. We will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
    We can trust GOD’S Promises.
    Thank You Father β™‘

  36. PS. 23:6 Is a verse I truly lived for: I told all 8 of my grown children to live on this verse. Now what this verse means to me; It truly speaks for itself! πŸ™where ever I go! whatever I do especially not aware of, I know God’s GOODNESS & MERCY will follow me in any given situation, Jesus is there!!! Hallelujah!!! πŸ™ŒGloryyy!!! πŸ™Œ ALL THE DAYS OF MY LIFE into eternity!!!πŸƒ I can count on Jesus promise! Amen dwell in the house of the Lord forever, (planted)- rooted stabled amen

  37. It means every single day of my life, I am certain that His goodness and His mercy will find me. That I will be in His temple all the days of my Life. In Jesus Name. Amen

  38. We worship and adore a forgiving Father his mercy’s are new everyday. Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice for breaking the bondage of sin and death. Your children will always dwell in House. In Jesus Christ Name Amen

  39. My life is secure in God through christ jesus there’s nothing i can do that will make God turn away from me that’s the goodness and mercy that follows me all the days of my life. .

  40. God is a covenant keeping God,he watchs over his word to proform it ,he will make sure that the angels of the Lord will watch over us so we won’t dash our foot against a stone Psalms 91:11-12 He has given his angels charge over us.

  41. This means to me that there’s nothing I can do except recieve His goodness and mercy towards me If I beleive His goodness and mercy follows me everywhere I go than He will surely see me through all my hardships His promises will never fail it’s an eternal promise and what the Lord has spoken Will come to pass He will do it
    For His words never return void
    They are everlasting my hope alone is in Him He is my hope of Glory here on earth as He will be in all eternity. Blessed be the Father of my Lord Jesus Christ
    I BELIEVE all things are working together for my good to bring me hope in mt life and a future free of pain and suffering in heaven
    Amen I trust in the goodness and mercy of my God!!!

  42. The Lord shut him in.”

    Genesis 7:16

    Noah was shut in away from all the world by the hand of divine love. The door of electing purpose interposes between us and the world which lieth in the wicked one. We are not of the world even as our Lord Jesus was not of the world. Into the sin, the gaiety, the pursuits of the multitude we cannot enter; we cannot play in the streets of Vanity Fair with the children of darkness, for our heavenly Father has shut us in. Noah was shut in with his God. β€œCome thou into the ark,” was the Lord’s invitation, by which he clearly showed that he himself intended to dwell in the ark with his servant and his family.

    Thus all the chosen dwell in God and God in them. Happy people to be enclosed in the same circle which contains God in the Trinity of his persons, Father, Son, and Spirit. Let us never be inattentive to that gracious call, β€œCome, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee, and hide thyself as it were for a little moment until the indignation be overpast.” Noah was so shut in that no evil could reach him. Floods did but lift him heavenward, and winds did but waft him on his way. Outside of the ark all was ruin, but inside all was rest and peace. Without Christ we perish, but in Christ Jesus there is perfect safety. Noah was so shut in that he could not even desire to come out, and those who are in Christ Jesus are in him for ever.

    They shall go no more out for ever, for eternal faithfulness has shut them in, and infernal malice cannot drag them out. The Prince of the house of David shutteth and no man openeth; and when once in the last days as Master of the house he shall rise up and shut the door, it will be in vain for mere professors to knock, and cry Lord, Lord open unto us, for that same door which shuts in the wise virgins will shut out the foolish for ever. Lord, shut me in by thy grace.
    we have the acceptance of Jesus Christ
    Walk in faith
    Walk in holy boldness
    Walk in power
    Walk in authority of Jesus Christ hallelujah!
    Walk with conference
    THE DEVIL IS A defeated foe
    My hope is in Jesus Christ!

  43. It means that my Lord and Savior has me in the palm of His hand, no matter my faults, no matter my failures and mistakes. My belief that the blood running through my veins is the same as my Father, I will always be His child and I will dwell with Him on heaven one day.

  44. No matter how good or bad this journey gets God is always with me. He lives to cover me. He is always protecting and watching over me. No matter if you are in the pit or the palace God is always going to come see about you because He has already marked you as His. When you are chosen there is just no place you would rather be than in the presence of God. There is just nothing a human can do to reach the depths of your soul, situation, your mind, and calm your spirit like God can. That’s how you know you have a true covenant connection with Him. It’s a surety that No weapon Formed can or will prosper because you really covered.

  45. To me this verse is about our identity in Christ. God the Father chose a relationship with His creation, us, who fall short of His glory, THROUGH His Son. “For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, IN ACCORDANCE WITH HIS PLEASURE AND WILL- TO THE PRAISE OF HIS GLORIOUS GRACE which he had feeely given us in the One he loves” -Ephesians 1:4-6. Goodness and mercy follow us not because we deserve it my any means, but because our glorious Father PREDESTINED, and found it pleasing for us to be near to His throne THROUGH AND BECAUSE of Christ. It is a concept I am still wrestling the Lord with to fully understand, but it is all about loving Jesus and understanding how to have a LOVE relationship with his very real, present, being and what that means for our lives as free daughters of the one true King (only through Jesus thoughβ™‘).

    God bless you all.

  46. We don’t need to chase for the blessing we chase for the GIVER of the blessing. IF we dwell in the presence of the LORD, the blessings WILL FOLLOW. πŸ™‚ GOD BLESS EVERYONE!

  47. I Patricia Gistand am a child of the most High and I will dwell in his house forevermore. In Jesus name. Amen

  48. What Psalms 23:6 means to me is that as my body is a temple (dwelling place) of the Lord, all the days of my life I can be sure of His goodness and mercy going before, following and being with me forever. The Lord is my Shepard and He is watching over me along the way. He shows me goodness and mercy but I have to remain knitted (housed) in Him. πŸ™

  49. The key to this verse is in 1st verse… that is the Lord is my Shepherd
    As the sheep belonging to the pasture of the Lord We will follow God.. if we Follow God.. Goodness and mercy will Follow us
    Which led to a Wonderful thing
    Is to Dwell on his house
    Which also means having Goodness and mercy following us.. Never take a moment to look back.. instead always have the Dwelling in the house of the Lord.. which means having communion with the Lord everyday
    Talking with him, having deep moments of intense relationship with the Lord

  50. It’s a reminder to me of God’s truth to me and he with me every step of the way regardless of what may comes in life; He’s always by my side. It also meant the living proof that God’s mercy are new everyday to me and I can received forgiveness anytime, so I should always remember he’ll forgive me and will never leave alone and I’ll forever be in the Lord’s presence. Thank you God of a second chance. Amen

  51. To all my sister’s he is more than enough I’m holding on to that tiny little mustard seed but the trust is there and it’s hard but I know I can trust my Father my friend God bless sisters

  52. It also meant, God has already blessed me and is taking care of me; He has given me every source to live through this life with him guiding My life. God will continue to watches over me and he’ll prosper me with all that is good once I’m in his presence

  53. The Lord God is the good shepherd. The only thing good! (goodness), and His mercy endures forever. He then promises to be with us even until the ends of the earth; therefore, this verse is a reminder of His constant covering.

  54. He will always protect me, even until eternity! πŸ˜”πŸ™Œ

    Surely his goodness βœ”οΈ and mercy βœ”οΈ shall follow me all the days of my life: and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life πŸ˜”β˜οΈ

  55. Lyrics to one of my favorite songs “Jesus the Same” come to mind.

    Hallelujah, he’s my rock
    God is my shield
    God is my sword
    WHOM Shall I fear.
    Heaven and earth kneel at his name.
    Every day he loves me the same.

    Thank you Lord!

  56. That even we must ALWAYS dwell in the house of the Lord, when God’s mercy and goodness is upon our lives we must not forget him. When life is going good because of his grace and mercy we must still remember to dwell in his house as we do when things are not going as well

  57. This verse means that God is truly awesome he is with me no matter what I’m going through my God loves me and wants the best for me he covers me and watches over me.

  58. This scripture…reminds me thatbits God with the final say and the best say for my life.
    All the rest might glitter…but surely arent gold and will not last forever,but His goodness and mercy will.

    It also reminds me that its by Grace that i got to receive the love thatbwas freely given to us.

    Its one thing to be loved and its a whole different thing to receive mercy.

    Also it reminds me to seek His presence…that I have been called to be an Ambassador of the Lord.

    And its my prayer that i will do this better and better with the power of the Holy Ghost that lives in me.

    I pray for the DOTK family today

    May God bless u all….we are blessed to have a way to share about the word.

  59. In spite of the battle I go through within me, He promise never to leave me. Because I am His beloved daughter.

  60. The above verse means that Almighty GOD will Always be with me (GOD’s Infinite and Unconditional Love.) No matter what my experiences might be, He Will guide me through and I WILL be the victor (GOD’s Grace and Favor.) …in Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen!!!

  61. God’s goodness and mercy is always with me no matter what. And where ever I am, I am always in the presence of God because He will never leave me nor forsake me. He abides in me and I in Him.

  62. God loves me regardless of my mistakes and I am nothing and cannot do anything without him.

  63. Our mighty Father is forever good. He showers us with His goodness and adorns us with His mercy. He welcomes us to dwell with Him forever. We are secure in Him, in good times and in bad. We are loved by Him in all circumstances. His grace is always sufficient. His love for us surpasses human understanding for his goodness and mercy are always available to us.

  64. I smiled when I read this. It makes me think of how God is like the sun. In my life there have been times I have tried to hide or out run his rays due to stubbornness, arrogance, shame…but his goodness and mercy always reaches me. I made a commitment to him years ago and even when I turn my face away he still shines on me. I cannot separate myself from him anymore than the earth cannot separate itself from the sun. I am so grateful for his goodness and mercy, through him nothing is impossible!

  65. As we face challenges, God sees us through it. We may think the worst of the experience as we go through it. Later when we evaluate we always see God’s goodness. God is always mercy, his mercy is our hope and guarantee in this life. We be faithful always.

  66. It means Love wins. It means his mercy and goodness is endless and it will follow my every blunder as I stumble upon in the earth as long as I am His and His alone. If I leave the path, he will chase after me until he captures me with his love, and he will still show me that his mercy and goodness were always in my shadows.

  67. Live righteously so that the Lord can manifest through you and dwell in your spirit. Your life will reflect positive things. Once your early remains has ran its course, you will have everlasting life in His kingdom.

  68. I cannot outrun God. It’s impossible. I wandered. I tried to hide. He intruded. <3 He found me. He placed my feet on Solid Rock.

  69. It means God loves me, he cares about me, and he wants good things for me. He is a father who loves his children and wants them to have an abundant life. #AlohaKeAkua

  70. As i meditate on this verse, i just conclude that anxiety is like one doubting God’s ability, As i know that the lord is my shepherd and He is the one that make goodness to follow me with an intention to go ahead of me and provide for me as long as i live. Therefore i don’t need to worry about anything for Jehovah jireh is my God. His Mercy went ahead of me and redeemed me while i was yet a sinner, iam now the king’s daughter…… iam not indebted to sin or death, for jesus paid it all. The house of God is the presence of God…. nothing will take me out, daily i dwell there for without Him i can do nothing…… Hallelujah what assurance!!!

  71. No matter where I am or who I am with .. If I stay in a relationship with Jesus.. He will protect me, I am safe with him!

  72. HE HAS MY BACK. How secure does that make me feel to know whereever I go He is there watching over me all the days of my life. How awesome is that.

  73. To me that meansπŸ’­ GRACE/ LOVE WINS EVERYTIME❗ πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ‘πŸ™ŒπŸ‘‹πŸŽπŸŽ‰πŸ’πŸŽ‰πŸ’ƒπŸ˜„πŸ˜ŠπŸƒπŸ’ͺπŸ’˜πŸ’ͺπŸ’Žha❗ ha❗ hallelujah πŸ’πŸŽ‰SWEET JESUSπŸšΆπŸ‘‘ YOUR LOVE NEVER FAILSβ—πŸ’―πŸ”πŸŽπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‡πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘DOTKπŸ˜˜πŸ’πŸ“πŸ‰πŸ‡Tyβ•πŸŒπŸˆπŸ…πŸπŸ WE LOVE YOU FATHER GOD….πŸ™YOU KEEPS YOUR PROMISESβ—πŸ’―βœ”πŸ™‹πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ˜˜

  74. As Believers, there is nothing more beautiful and reassuring than knowing we are wrapped in God’s daily Goodness and Mercy!!! Our Heavenly Father deserves our highest Honor and Praise just because of who He is!!!

  75. Went to a worship service with my best friend.She had turned back to the Lord a few years back and had been slowly working on me to turn back to Jesus so I went with her. NOTHING LIKE I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE !! NO song books !! NO Bill Gather or anyone like that! Why are people taking their shoes off .. I must say this was not a Baptist,Methodist ect singing I grew up with..So the music starts I am liking this worship stuff never rise my hands before never jumped up and down never danced for the Lord. And then Jason Upton sings this song and when he sang Surely I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever. I lost it Holy Spirit did a work in me and I have not turned back. A little off track from time to time but He never let’s go..Hallelujah!!! Forever and ever Amenβ™‘β™‘β™‘

  76. It means to me that I am covered since I am in the family of the most high.My big brother Jesus paid it all & took my past, present & future sins & now when God our father see me he see’s his son Jesus. And I am righteous so goodness & mercy & favor will follow me the days of my life…Thank you JesusπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™

  77. This verse means to me that no matter where or what is going on in my life my god is with me. That he covers me through it all, that I’m never alone. His presence is with me at all times, his love will never leave me. His love is abundant! Abba father is an amazing god!

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