When it's time to give birth to your purpose.

“My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you.” Galatians 4:19

I’ll never forget one of the most memorable experiences of my life was when I was pregnant at the same time with four close friends. Our due dates were within days and months of eachother, and as we went through the pregnancy, we would call and check up on eachother to see how the other person was doing. When our due dates came around, it was a blessing to see the multiple text messages that read, “I’m on my way to the hospital!” “Yes, me too!” We were all giving birth to a baby. However, when it was time to actually deliver, none of my friends were in the delivery room with me. They were busy giving birth themselves.

When it’s time to give birth to your purpose and to the call of God that burns deep within you, it is you and God in that labor room. People may be with you while you are carrying, but don’t be dismayed when no one is around at your time of delivery. God is not being cruel. He does love you, and while you may think, “Lord, this is when I need someone the most!” God is saying, “You need Me. Put your eyes on Me, and let me help you push your purpose through. Let Me form Christ in you. I am with you to guide you through the delivery. I will help you give birth to the purpose you have been carrying all this time.”

Prayer: Yes, Lord. Thank You for speaking directly to my heart. I receive Your word. Thank You for those that have been with me in my carrying, but I mostly thank You that You are with me for the delivery. Help me give birth to what You have put on the inside of me. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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29 thoughts on “When it's time to give birth to your purpose.”

  1. P. U.S.H ❗ 🙋👏 Yes❗ Yes ❗
    SWEET JESUS👑hallelujah❕🎁💝🎉🎉🎉💞💖💕🎀💘💪💓💪DOTK🌷💌

    1. Oh my goodness evey single day God speaks to me through you,I’m Happy you choose obedience my dear sister, today again on point, God keep this sister I thank you for her experience she share bless her family and everyone reading this in Jesus Name Amen

    2. Praise God for being a On Time God and His timing not being like ours. If we continue to PUSH ( Push Until Something Happen) to be a kingdom builder for the glory of God. He will show up in our life when we tune our Spiritual ears to hear from Our Father on earth as it is in heaven.
      May His Spirit pour out on all who is tuning their ears to hear what the Spirit had to say unto them.
      May you all be blessed in such a time as this to stand for JESUS.

  2. Thank you Lord for choosing me. I give you all the praise and all the glory for who you are and for what you are doing. in my life..

      1. When I saw this devotional I laughed because I am able to identify with this right now. God is truly amazing awesome and faithful. God bless you.

  3. OMG!!!! God is soooooo amazing. Overwhelming! God knows what He’s doing and I pray He continues to bless the authors, DOTK Thanks for your obedience 🙂

  4. Amen and Amen again Thank you Lord for speaking to me give me the birth that you have purpose for my life I need your help daily and I give you all the glory again Thank you God for delivery my purpose sweet joy Amen

  5. Lord I’m grateful for your love.. Lord use me for your purpose..your promise is so true Lord you said you would never leave or forsake us.. Father I love you in Jesus name

  6. Thank you God for telling me, you’re going to be in the Delivery Room with me 18 1/2 years ago. And Thank you for being with me know. In Jesus Name Amen 😊😉😍👄💋💜💛💓💖💙💚💟💝

  7. I thank the Lord for sending His word to me and speaking directly to me through today’s word. God bless the authors

  8. God speak to me everyday through dotk. Thanks so much for listening to the voice of God. 😆😆😆😆

  9. It’s a such a blessing to know that God is always with me.I get joy out of knowing, he will never leave me, or forsake me. God bless you DOTK.

  10. You already knowctis speaks volumes to me…Especially when I think about us going through the very same experience together. Praise be to God that his Shekina Glory is there in the End and Always!
    Love You for Eternity Sister❤💖💗

  11. Thank you Lord for this spiritual pregnancy and being there for me through this journey until I give birth to my purpose. Thank you for equipping me during the process.

  12. Life is funny, I was just thinking about this today in the mist of my situation thinking that it must be birthing season. Where are people when you need them? Wow! This was on time. God waiting on you!

  13. I just know now i and my sisters are carrying PURPOSE together, on the day of delivery( which is close) He will not leave us to go thro the contractions and the dialections alone….. praise.. i was reading exodus1-7, i saw how afraid moses was to confront pharoah but God was with him till he was able to faced the king of eygpt and spoke to him without fretting….. God is there with us untill our PURPOSE is birthed….. Amen

  14. Dearest Lord please grant me the grace to give birth to all your plans and purposes for my life.The delivery process may be difficult but you have promised me victory on every side. Thank you Jesus

  15. On a poster on my bedroom wall: Isaiah 66:9 “Shall I bring to the time of birth and not cause delivery?” says the Lord. “Shall I who cause delivery shut up the womb?” says your God. He is faithful!!!! Needed this word!

  16. Truly i love these devotionals, they are always on time and on point. Thank you Lord for leading everyone at DOTK for your kingdom and helping us to your kingdom as well. May they always be blessed because they truly bless me. ♡ you all.

  17. Thank you for allowing God to use you to speak to us. I receive the message of support and the knowing that the Great I Am is with me. I ask for prayer from my sisters in recognizing my purpose…
    My husband and I have recently stepped out into Ministry. I’ve always known he would from when we first met 20 + yrs ago. But I wonder if this is it for me, am I walking in my purpose also or just supporting him in his.
    Sisters I hope you understand my struggle and pray that I receive what I need to see and be who God wants me to be.

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