Worship God, Not Outcomes

“Remember how the LORD your God led you through the wilderness for these forty years, humbling you and testing you to prove your character, and to find out whether or not you would obey his commands” Deuteronomy 8:2, NLT.

Anyone can worship the LORD when everything is going well. The children of Israel gladly praised the LORD after they crossed over the Red Sea. They gave Him glory with no hesitation after they saw how He delivered them from the Egyptian army. The challenge came when they walked through the wilderness. They began to lose faith, lose patience, and lose their joy in believing. God allowed them to go through the wilderness to show them their heart.

As with you daughter, God will allow you to go through the wilderness to show you what you believe. Will you be like the Israelites who lost faith the moment things became difficult, or will you be like God’s servant Job who bowed down and worshiped the LORD after losing everything? You get to choose.

We worship God, not outcomes. Our worship is not conditional. It’s not based on whether God answers our prayers or not. It’s based on Him being our King.

Declare this from your heart: “The LORD is my King, and I worship Him, not outcomes. I worship Him with all my heart because of who He is. I choose to trust in Him no matter what I face, and as I do, He strengthens my heart. He strengthens my faith and my joy in believing. He fills me as I humble myself in worship. Nothing will steal my praise and my worship. In Jesus’ name.”

(Read Job 1:20; Numbers 14:2; James 1:3-4; Psalms 96:9; 2 Corinthians 4:16-18)

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11 thoughts on “Worship God, Not Outcomes”

  1. My God Speak to My Heart Lord this beautiful Ministry if I stay humble and patiently with tears in my eyes I praise you through it all give you praise who’s a good in the bad fill me oh God and the name of Jesus Amen

  2. Thank YOU my LORD FATHER GOD,” Humbly i come before YOU in tears. Thank YOU my LORD for YOUR WORD YOUR LOVE, for hearing my prayers. Grant me YOUR Heavenly Grace in this time of testings. I LOVE YOU i want to obey YOU no matter what things looks like now. I PRAISE YOU and magnify YOU my ABBA PAPA my GOD” my KING of KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. Thank YOU my LORD for this awsome prayer i Soooooo needed and YES in YOU KING JESUS CHRIST MIGHTY GLORIOUS NAME AMEN AMEN AMEN 💙⚘Thank You Sister’s Kesha Dotk Ministrie GLORY TO GOD,” Sooooooo Soooooo on time I’ve been crying out to our LORD. Yes i need to focus and remember its not about me. no matter what is happening. I felt so abandone so alone like i keep feeling like im failing my LORD. breaks my heart. I went to church yesterday and that was it, it seem like the icing on the top of cake, i went to LOVE hug on the brethren starting with my Pastor( i LOVE my Pastor HE truly LOVES our LORD), i got a smile that look questionable. then my Pastor proceeded to pass me to my Sister in Christ hugged her said hey calling her name and saying GOD BLESS You GOD BLESS You. I proceeded to continue my greeting i felt the same with some of my brethren. I felt like whats going on what i do or not do? I pressed on through the Worship all these question brushing through my mind, as i was worshipping, i prayed for forgiveness i repented of every Sin that ive committed in thought word and deed. and trying to shake off every negative thought that was trying to come against me, i continue to humble my self before our LORD and Worshipped HIM. Got home boom Emotions are up and down being treated like im nothing no LOVE no respect. Its funny but you dont want to be where your not LOVED at home i know i dont belong there, so where do I go. Sometimes i want to run out just sit on the beach just me and GOD.” Help me my LORD HOLY SPIRIT Anoint me with YOUR Devine Wisdom in KINGJESUS NAME I Pray AMEN AMEN AMEN Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah my LORD KING JESUS.” GLORY GLORY GLORY TO GOD.” ❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤

  3. Amen and Amen! Thank you Lord. Through it all, You remain dear to my heart. Yes, though He slay me, yet I will trust Him. I love you Lord!

    1. Peace & Blessings My Dear Sister K K💖!!!
      Through It ALL!!! YESSSS…. Though He Slay Me, Yet I WILL Trust Him!! That RIGHT THERE..says it ALL!!! Thank You Sis❤!!
      K K, I’ve been thinking about you!! I’ve been missing you!! I miss your Ohhh Sooo Wise Words Of Encouragement & Uplifting! I Pray your Thanksgiving Holiday was Blessed & Enjoyable!
      I Pray🙏🏽 You A Blessed, Safe & Happy Holiday Season🌲❄⛄🧥🧣🧤🕯😇
      Loving You ALWAYS💕🌾🌞

  4. Amen..Amen..AMENNN!!!!!!!!!!
    LORD I THANK YOU🙌🏽🙌🏽!!! I THANK YOU LORD for this Blessed & Mighty Timely Confirming Word, that I BELIEVE & RECEIVE In Your Holy, Mighty, Righteous & Precious Name..Amen!! Lord, I Worship YOU..NOT Outcomes! Lord, I Trust You, I Believe In You, I Stand FIRMLY On Your Word!! NO MATTER what I face, the good, the bad & or the ugly..I WILL ALWAYS Worship YOU!! When I’m in a “season” of uncertainty, I KNOW that You ARE STILL On The Throne..STILL Keeping Your Loving Arms Around ME & Holding ME UP With Your Righteous & Mighty Right Hand!! THANK YOU LORD!! THANK YOU..THANK YOU..THANK YOU!! Your Praises & Glory Shall Continually Be In My Mouth, My Heart & My Life!!
    I JUST LOVE YOU LORD!!!💓😍❤🤗💞😊💗😚
    Lord Please Continue To Bless & Shine Your Light Of Love Upon Your Obedient Servant Sister Kesha, Her Awesome Team, This AMAZING MINISTRY, My Sister Felicia & My DOTK Sisters💖!!
    Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!!
    Love Always, Your DOTK Sister In Christ, Wendy💕

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