You will see Me before you see Me.

“Then the LORD opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha” 2 Kings 6:17, ESV.

“At once I was in the Spirit, and I saw a throne standing in heaven, with someone seated on it.” Revelation 4:2

Lately, I’ve been seeing in the Spirit the Lord seated on His throne in glory. He has shifted my gaze entirely on Him. And I hear the Lord saying to His daughters, you will see Me before you see Me. Before we are face to face, I will open your eyes to see Me. I am giving you something to run toward, to sing for, to live for, and rest in knowing. You will see Me before you see Me, and it will renew your strength and help you fight the good fight of faith. Before, you ran but without knowing what you were running for. You’ve been like those who see everyone else running, and you run too. I am opening your eyes to see Me at the finish line waiting for you. Before, you served others without knowing why you were serving. You serve because you know it’s the right thing to do. I am opening your eyes to see Me serving with you and loving the least of these with you. You will see Me before you see Me, and our gaze will be set like two seeing each other from across the room, soon to embrace.

(Reference scriptures: 1 Timothy 6:12; Isaiah 40:31; Hebrews 12:2; Acts 7:55)

8 thoughts on “You will see Me before you see Me.”

  1. A beautiful heart warming word from God, He is the only one who sees what goes on behind closed doors, knowing God sees all as I serve Him and I see Him as my eyes open to His love…

  2. When I read that last sentence I imagined myself running into His arms to cry on His shoulder. It’s a bittersweet time for me, but I know I still have His purpose to fulfill…He has a plan and I have a purpose, so I cast these cares on Him and when I find or have peace about going somewhere or doing something, I go or I do it. I am not afraid to be by myself for I know the Lord is with me. Let His will be done in my life.

    1. Sister, God has you. I lived in an abusive marriage to an unbeliever. I lived hostage of his threats to take the children, finances and shelter and leave me homeless if I divorced him. In the process of divorce, his abuse increased to force me to stay or to leave and to abandon the children. I was referred to the National Domestic Violence Hotline. A few days later I, without an attorney requested a restraining order against him, but I was too afraid to attend my court hearing. Then, he intimidated me to not appear in my court hearing and a few months later he went and falsely accused me of Domestic Violence and without investigation it was granted and he was given children, finances and the house and I was left homeless. 4 years ago, I only had my minivan. But my journey with Abba. I am grateful for how Abba has shown up these 4 years with reconciliation with Jesus, provision, protection, healing, restoration and I am still in the process. But these last most painful years of my life, became the years when I saw the hand of God move powerfully in my life. Now I serve him in missions and evangelism. I see His power, his love, his miracles, signs and wonders and more than anything I see His love is so real. So please, do not be afraid to walk away or to empty yourself of whatever weights you down or delays you to know the relationship that He intended with the Father. Much love and prayers for you and your new journey when you will see Him on this side of eternity before you meet with Him forever.

  3. Hallelujah, Glory, Glory Father God!
    Thank you Father God, Jesus & Holy Sprit.
    At my church on Weds womans group we are studying this running the race. Theirs a big blow up and is like a track and big letters says Start, I took a pic in on my phone, to remind to run race & stay on my lane focus on God!
    I been of a week from diverticulosis, & I been worshipping & listening to healing scriptures!!
    O my beloved Father, how I love you!!

    Thank you Holy Sprit

  4. Lord, I just want to see your face and finish the race you set for me to finish. God bless you Minister Tippetts and family during the Holidays 💞🙏🏾🙇🏽‍♀️💜

  5. You will see me before you see me!!!!! My God My God, this Devotional is what my soul desires. I cry every time i read it, which is everyday since it was posted. I feel like it was written just for me. Hallelujah Jesus!!!!!! GLORY!!!!!

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