Your life is built on the rock of Jesus.

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain fell, the torrents raged, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because its foundation was on the rock” Matthew 7:24-25, Berean Study Bible.

Jesus talks about the wise man who hears and applies His words. He likens this person to someone who has built their house on the rock. My sister, all of the revelation and understanding you’ve been receiving from the Lord over the years. All of the teaching you’ve been moving from your Thinker to your Knower. All of the looking for ways to apply God’s word to situations you face. All of it has prepared you for the storm. People around you will look in amazement because you may be experiencing the worst storm of your life, but you will not crumble.

God truly lives within you.

It’s not that you’re so strong. It’s God’s display of mighty strength in you. It’s Jehovah Gibbor Milchamah, the Lord Mighty in Battle, working in you and helping you stand. It will amaze even you. You don’t have to fear the heavy rains, floods, and strong winds when they come because you know that you know your life is established on the foundation of Christ.

Prayer: Father, I thank you that my life is built on the rock of Jesus. Thank you for preparing me for the storms of life. Every time you nudged me to come away and pray and spend time in your word, you were preparing me. Every time you gave me understanding and a new way of seeing things, you were preparing me. Every time you helped me apply your word in a situation and do things your way, you were preparing me. Thank you, Father. I ask that you continue to strengthen my foundation in you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

10 thoughts on “Your life is built on the rock of Jesus.”

  1. Christ Jesus is my foundation. His Spirit strengthens me, guides me, and reminds me of who I am. I am the daughter of the King, and by God’s amazing grace, I will honor my Father. Amen

  2. I have relieving my Lord, my strength, who fights my battles for many years, and still today He stands and fights for me. Thank you Jehovah Gibbor Milchamah. Halleujah.

  3. Dear Sister Kesha, this is thankful Thursday. This devotional is right on because I have been amazed of how mighty The Lord have been in my life that He will get the glory. How He, continually be my Strength, Rock, and Solid Foundation. By His, Holy Spirit, He allows me to see what others don’t and it’s so wonderful that I have to share it with others. May The Lord continue to shape and form, preparing His daughters for His Kingdom. God bless
    Hallelujah to “The Great I Am!”

  4. Thank you for words of wisdom and confirmation
    With my doubt I question is this the Lord and He always shows me it is Him
    And these past few years have been a mighty tempest storm in my life
    I have been tossed around and took punches and words and pushed around only to see God did it for my good to prepare me for this moment in my life and from here on out my rock (Jesus Christ) is my foundation He has planted my feet on solid ground and no storm will move me
    My xs girlfriend came against me and with confidence and words of love came out
    I was facing fear yet
    He said,
    I will go prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemy ❀️
    Then my husband wants to divorce me so we agreed we can’t come together this is God showing me
    I don’t have to be yoked down with condemnation
    Trusting His word
    He told me go lay under a tree
    I asked myself where what tree thinking of all theses places to go that has green grass
    I couldn’t think I didn’t move until HE showed me
    Then I went expecting a big revelation a vision
    Nope none of that
    HE just wanted my obedience my trust to do what HE says if I am faithful with the lil He can trust me with much more
    This was a test of my faith and I was afraid to be out there with all the bugs in the mountains but trusting He made all of them He would keep them from me and His promise was made true to me
    God is moving in my life and with your fresh words of confirmation allows me to Trust Him
    with no more doubt in my heart
    test every spirit
    Thank you πŸ’•

  5. Amen Thank you Father God for continuing to show me your ways and my life and your will and teaching me the way to go continue to show me Father God and Jesus name I pray Amen again πŸŒ·β€πŸŒ·πŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™πŸ½

  6. It sounds tiny but these days I don’t steal anything even when broke (I know I’m ratchet). But this is a big improvement in my faith cuz previously I thought it didn’t prosper me to follow God’s rules. My main problem is not cussing random ppl out in everyday life, raging explosive at petty things. I know I really do suck. Working on it tho.

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