Your words become your reality.

“For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” Matthew 12:37

I believe we learn as much from our mistakes as we do from our successes. So I’m going to share with you a mistake I made and the powerful lesson I learned from it.

In yesterday’s devotional, I wrote about how God is helping me face the fear of rejection. Once the devotional was released, I went throughout my day as usual, but then I began to experience a heavy spiritual attack from the enemy. It was intense. When I asked God what caused this, He said, “Your words Kesha.” He reminded me of what I wrote, and how I said, “I’ve had a deep abiding fear.” He said, “Your words become your reality.” All I could do was repent to God and cancel those words. God has no problem with us sharing with others our experiences, our areas of improvement and our testimonies, but He expects us to be wise in the words we choose to release into the atmosphere. He says, by our words we are justified, and by our words, we are condemned. So I change those words to reflect God’s truth. I have a deep abiding faith in God. I have a deep abiding Holy Spirit who lives within me. Hallelujah. Glory to God.

Learn from my mistake. Cancel every word you’ve spoken that does not reflect God’s, heart. Your words become your reality—whether written or spoken. Choose them carefully.

Here’s a lesson in spiritual warfare that I pray God helps you understand.

Prayer: Father God, forgive me for every word I’ve released foolishly from my mouth or written down. I repent and receive your forgiveness and love. I cancel those words, and I release words of life and words of faith. I thank you for your gentle correction. Thank you for deeply abiding with me forever. In the name of Jesus!

Posted in: Uncategorized

15 thoughts on “Your words become your reality.”

  1. I understand the power of our words, but I received encouragement from your devotion yesterday. He also tells us that in our weakness He is made strong and through our testimony others will come to know Him. In the comfort we have received during our struggles we will be able to comfort others. How do those things happen if we have to guard our “words” so closely. It’s like we can’t speak of any weakness or struggle without stirring up the enemy. How do we minister if we can’t point to the life Christ saved us from.
    That stirs up a greater concern for me than my past. I believe I have been saved to share my story. Can I do that without setting a trap for myself every time I do?

    1. Ashley: in answer to your last question – we are called to make a difference, with love. When you share your testimony & life story your are making an impact, a difference in someone’s life and you can do that because as you know Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the
      world. And no weapon formed against you will prosper. Thus speak, share with love and rebuke any fiery darts and cast them back to the pits of hell from which they came … For He has NOT given us a spirit of fear ……. God bless you in JESUS name!

    2. Dear Ashley,

      We are called to testify of God’s great love for us in that while we were yet in our sins He sent and His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die so that we could have eternal life! Our testimony must be based on our own personal relationship with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and the victories He has given us over our defects of character and unrighteousness.

      I believe the Authors’ intent is that we should focus and emphasize the Saving Power of Jesus and not give glory to our unrighteous acts. It’s okay to let others know where you’ve been, but it is paramount that you let them know where you are now and even more critical to let them know that it was God only Who has carried you through the fire by the Precious Blood of Jesus.

      So my dear co-laborer in Christ, please keep testifying of His Goodness & Mercy to all you can!

      Eternal Blessings, Diane

    1. Amen! Yes Lord forgive me Lord of all the misused words that I have spoken in Jesus Name Amen…than you sister for reminding me on the words I speak out Blessing and Favor over you and your family in Jesus NAme Amen.

  2. I 💘 you Jesus you are my savior. Forgive my words and feelings that are not of you. Thank you for for your great mercies. In Jesus name i pray.

  3. Yes I know that our words can bring life or death.. but I want to thank you for your transparency. Helping so many of us realize we are not alone in our struggles. I think the enemy hates that and he tries to twist things because he knows that our sharing can possibly help someone else to get the Victory. So be encouraged my sister, and please don’t stop pouring out your heart from God’s heart. Thank you Jesus for sweet DOTK ♡

  4. Thank you for being transparent about your struggles. This is an excellent word and wonderful reminder of how we should speak. I have to focus on and learn how to speak life and what God says about me. God loves me and He is my father. I can do all things with God’s help. God says to trust Him and will direct my path. Thanks DOTK! 😃

  5. I woke up this morning with reflections of somethings i had been experiencing….this word came upon opening my phone….thank you for your ministry….To God be The Glory!

  6. Amen 💖 DOTK👑 We SPEAK LIFE❗💯🙌We gotta Speak what we wanna see,👀 I learned that late in Life Ma’am 🙋nevertheless We learn❗😄hallelujah🎁🎉💝 🙏🙏🙏THANK YOU JESUS💝💝💝

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