A heart like Mine.

For the LORD sees not as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7

Hear the Spirit of the Lord saying today, only I can see your heart, and it has been a mess for some time. There are thorns and thistles that prick the finger. There’s a wilderness with fears I didn’t give you, and hard rock not made for sitting but for blocking your view. But I am the Lord of heavens armies, and I see beyond your condition into how I will clean, purify, completely root out, destroy and rebuild you from the inside. I am making your heart like Mine. Pure like Mine. Meek and lowly like Mine. Full of compassion like Mine. With only one desire, and that is to please Me. Open your heart to Me and I will work in you by My Spirit to will and to happily do what pleases Me.

Read Philippians 2:13; Matthew 5:8; John 4:34; Matthew 11:29; Psalms 100:2

11 thoughts on “A heart like Mine.”

  1. Amen! Amen! Amen! Lord, my heart is open to receiving You. Thank You for loving & blessing me β€οΈπŸ™πŸ•ŠπŸ˜Š

  2. Yes, a heart like the Lord is my desire. May the Lord create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. For the Glory of God. Thank you. Blessings, Shalom and Agape πŸ‘€πŸ™πŸ½β™₯οΈπŸ“–πŸ™ŒπŸ½

  3. Thank YOU LORD for continuing to do YOUR work in me! I want to have the wilderness of fears, cut out the thorns and thistles, smash that hard rock that’s blocking the view, so I am meek and lowly like YOU, full of compassion and my only desire is to please YOU! I am still figuring out my purpose and fine tuning the Godly vision for the rest of my life but I know because of YOU I’m going to get there!
    Thank YOU JESUS!

  4. I see God as a gardener. And year after year he plucks out the rocks and the thorns and the thistles and the fears. Until he has good soil and then adds water and good seeds and find things grow. Thank you for reminding me of this.

  5. HalleluYAH πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

    I’ve been following your Daughters of The King App since 2014/15. Thank you for helping guide your sister typing this. I appreciate you and your family.

    “For All That I Am and For All That I Do, is for The Spirit Of Our Almighty Fathers’ Glory, HalleluYAH πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

    Amen πŸ™πŸΌ”

  6. I am patiently waiting for the greatvwork if the Lord in my heart. To remove thorn and thistles. To place it me mercy, love, kindness, patience, truth to talk, to think, to pray like my Lord to obey, to ask for instructions to walk in authority and peace. Lord thank you thst you made known to me what is going to be un thus season amen.

  7. Thank you Father God that you forgive ,, and make all things possiblre remove all the rubble from my heart .

    Father thank you for second chances.

  8. Oh Lord you are so so so …good. My eyes swell with tears when I think of your love for me. How you know me better than I know me!

  9. Kesha, I just want to thank you for DOTK. As far as I am concerned this is the best devotional out there.
    I have read it for years. It seems like, so many times, you are talking directly. to me, when I need it the most.
    May God continue to bless you, your family, the others who write the devotionals and DOTK. Thank you for an awsome job.

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