A Prayer Partner

“Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.” Matthew 18:19-20

I met my sister in the Lord and prayer partner our freshmen year in college. Over the 25 years we have known each other, we have prayed through loss, sickness, weariness, financial needs, family issues, and believed God to do what only He can do in our lives. Our praying together was the reason the Lord brought us together—the friendship was an added blessing. Anytime we talk on the phone, most often by the end of the conversation, we are praying.

The Bible says, every good and perfect gift comes from above (see James 1:17). My sister, God wants to bless you with a sister who will stand with you in prayer. Maybe it’s a co-worker, a next door neighbor, a colleague, or a sister at church, ask your Father to give you a sister in the Lord who loves God, genuinely loves you and loves to pray.

She loves God.
If she loves God, she will care more about pleasing Him than pleasing you. This is powerful in a prayer partner because out of her love for God, she will help keep your focus on Him.

She loves you.
A prayer partner cares about everything you’re going through, and when you pray together, you can sense her love and heart’s desire for God’s perfect will to be accomplished within you and through you.

She loves to pray.
She loves spending time in God’s presence. She knows where healing takes place, where empty cups are filled and where God does His greatest works in our hearts. She understands the significance of prayer.

Application: Find a sister in the comments who need a prayer partner and connect with her to schedule a time to pray together.

Prayer: Father, I desire a prayer partner. Send me that sister that can stand with me in prayer and I stand with her. I pray she deeply loves you, loves me, and loves to pray. Thank you Father. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Read Acts 4:24-31; Revelation 11:4)

88 thoughts on “A Prayer Partner”

  1. I need a prayer partner. I am a widow married to my husband of 36 years and he passed away suddenly. I am very sad and lonely as I approach another year of his passing. God has been my comforter and I trust and believe in him. I feel a prayer partner would be great for me at this time.

    1. I’ll be more than happy to pray with you ❤️❤️ I could use a prayer partner myself— Khadija -470-926-6976

    2. Good morning sister, I need a prayer partner as well. Stay strong and continue to pray he’s hears your prayers.

        1. Hey my Sisters . I am Willing to be a praying partner to either of you whether it’s 1 or more. My name is Ajuna.
          My phone number is 904-257-5710.

    3. I can relate, I too am a widow, I lost my husband in 2020. We’re only married 5 years. I truly would not mind having a prayer partner as well. Will be keeping us all in my prayers 🙏🏽❤️

    4. Good morning ladies I’m KayJay I could define use a praying partner and bestie my gift is words of encouragement I’ve overcame a lot and look forward to growing more in Christ and Praying for you in return

      1. Your comment spoke to me and I am looking for a pray partner as well maybe we could connect? Either way you are loved and I’ve added you to my prayers this morning ❤️

      2. Peace and blessings to you on this beautiful day. Come let us pray with each other and for one another. 3182543610

    5. Hi Patricia,
      Id like to be your pray partner! 🕊️🕯️🙏
      I’ve been looking myself a long time,many years for a prayer partner 🙏🕊️🕯️
      Cell 856-524-8616
      May God bless and keep you!🕊️ God bless this ministry!🕊️🕯️🙏

    6. Hi Patricia, am truly sorry that you have lost your husband I know you must by feeling sad and Lonely, but please don’t feel that way because Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit as our comforter and He will always bring comfort to our weary souls. I would love for us to become prayer partners if it’s God’s will,

      1. This is Amelia Burress: my number is 234 346 0109. I forgot to leave my number in my previous comment.I will be a prayer partner to whoever the Lord has laid it on their heart, have a blessed day everyone

    7. Hi Patricia,
      I also lost my husband recently and would love a prayer partner that understands what I’m going through. I’ll be praying for you and praying God’s peace and Grace surround you from the moment you wake up until you fall asleep.
      Here’s my number in case you want to talk or message me. 207-615-7781

    1. Hi my name is Kimberly you said you needed a prayer partner I’m seeing if the Lord might lead someone just to stand with me supporting me I’m in a very dark night of the Soul spiritually. If the Lord leads you you can call me 843-331-4340 thanks

  2. I also am praying for a prayer partner. I am a young single mother who is new in her faith who loves the Lord in everything she does. 606-505-4514

    1. Hi Erica, I’m Lisa. I’m willing to be a prayer partner. That is my spiritual gift intercession. Please do email me so that we can exchange personal information. Have a great day!

    2. To God be the glory this is Apostle Myra Pearson and would love to pray with you

  3. Hi ladies! I’m Jovonna. I would really like a prayer partner as well. My email is gardnerjovonna17@gmail.com. I’m a single mother of 2 and have really been having a tough time lately. I’m realizing I need to lean on someone other than myself and I have been needing a praying sister. ❤️ I’d be really happy to exchange information.

    1. Good morning. My name is Monica. I’m happy to be your prayer partner. I’ve been looking for one for a while. My number is 661.549.0731. Please text me. Blessings.

  4. Hi my name is Michelle,
    I am 28yrs and i have always wanted a prayer sister . I come from a family of 7 girls . With six sister’s being the only one who’s deeply interested in the things of God often I found myself as the odd one . I have two children and newly married I’d love to have a prayer sister .

  5. I’m so grateful that God has blessed me with a prayer partner and I realize that prayer with or without a partner is very important all though I have one having another sister to pray with and connect with is much needed and I am willing to pray with my sister or sister in this devotional. I just recently lost my only son 15 months ago and even in my most difficult times and I trusted God to get me through my dark days.
    Please call me at 716-923-5857 my name is Theresa I would be honored to share my time with you. May God bless in this season.

  6. Prayer: Father, I desire a prayer partner. Send me that sister that can stand with me in prayer and I stand with her. I pray she deeply loves you, loves me, and loves to pray. Thank you Father. In Jesus’ name, Amen.❤️❤️❤️🛐🛐🛐

    1. I feel like I’m like I’m going insane I am by myself and family and friends are not walking in God’s way.
      They use his name in vain
      And I know if they they would see he is good they would see different please

  7. My name is Trudi. I’m divorced and a mother of 4 children. I have been trying to figure out how to stay on top of my financial situation. God has been providing for me. Also I deal with anxiety and depression. I need someone to help keep me strong in the Lord. My number is (440)343-5944.

  8. My cell number 2152196118
    I always love to have a prayer partner.
    God bless everyone


    WE LOVE FINE!!!!!

  10. I am 38 years old and in need of a prayer partner. I’m currently separated and could need the prayers on my new journey of divorce. I love God just as much as you and I’m learning day by day he is my strength to get me through. My number is 832-216-4506.

  11. I would love a prayer partner! I am 33, never married, and no kids. I love God, I trust Him, and want whatever His will for my life is. The walk is hard, but I know through prayer all things are possible. I currently am in a cycle of loneliness and unhappiness.

    1. I have a daughter your age that has never asked me to be a prayer partner
      but I have never asked her either!!
      I’m Rebecca and as I was scrolling and reading I started crying because I need a prayer partner so desperately and I didn’t even realize it! My daughter and I talk every day and we always talk about GOD we both LOVE HIM SO MUCH!! But we have never talked about praying together we love each other so much also but we se a lot of things differently , she’s married and has two children my grandchildren are my heart : It would be my honor to pray with you talk with you Lexie I need it and so do you I feel that in my spirit and I understand the loneliness and the sadness because I have been there and GOD pulls me out and I let my own self put right back so even though I’m old enough to be your mom if you would have me I know with out a doubt OUR GOOD IS GOOD AND LOVES ALL SO MUCH HE GAVE US JESUS AND THROUGH HIM WE CAN DO ALL THINGS AND HE WILL LEAD AND GUIDE OUR PATHS to complete the plan HE has for us; so if you would like a mother figure for your prayer partner
      Here is my email
      beckyepps45@gmail.com subject :prayer friend
      I really think you can help me with mine and my daughter’s relationship also
      Thank you so much, Rebecca

    2. I have a daughter your age that has never asked me to be a prayer partner
      but I have never asked her either!!
      I’m Rebecca and as I was scrolling and reading I started crying because I need a prayer partner so desperately and I didn’t even realize it! My daughter and I talk every day and we always talk about GOD we both LOVE HIM SO MUCH!! But we have never talked about praying together we love each other so much also but we se a lot of things differently , she’s married and has two children my grandchildren are my heart : It would be my honor to pray with you talk with you Lexie I need it and so do you I feel that in my spirit and I understand the loneliness and the sadness because I have been there and GOD pulls me out and I let my own self put right back so even though I’m old enough to be your mom if you would have me I know with out a doubt OUR GOOD IS GOOD AND LOVES ALL SO MUCH HE GAVE US JESUS AND THROUGH HIM WE CAN DO ALL THINGS AND HE WILL LEAD AND GUIDE OUR PATHS to complete the plan HE has for us; so if you would like a mother figure for your prayer partner
      Here is my email subject :prayer friend
      I really think you can help me with mine and my daughter’s relationship also
      Thank you so much, Rebecca

    3. Hi, Lexi! I too need a prayer partner and would love to be your prayer partner. I’ll be 33 in soon, no kids and a business owner.

  12. I am a widow also since 2015..I was desperately struggled when my husband hospitalized for 8 months without the sufficiency in my financial status..instead of thinking of his loss I surrendered everything to God for I cant revert the life of man but accept that my husband was only allowed by God to be with me for around 28 years .and that would enough for us to be together and his span is over..It was so devastating in my life I cant do anything but to stay a better child with HIM ..I always think that everthing that happens to my life has a purpose and trust God of my life.

  13. I’ve been praying for a prayer partner for awhile now being new to my faith. I think it would help me so much

  14. I really would love a prayer partner…who yarns for God, and loves Him deeply…He puts Him above and before anything… worshipping Him in spirit and truth…im a strong woman of God but sometimes i get overwhelmed, stress, tired, exhausted, worn out, but when I think about the goodness of Jesus and every blessing he has given me, not to mention favor, grace, mercy i cant do nothing. It throw my hands up, cry and say I got this and God you Got me…I love my dotk sisters in Christ! I love the sister for always knowing what to post at the right time which is nobody but God, bc it has helped me in so many ways, to keep pushing!

    1. Hi I would love to be your prayer partner. Let’s pray that God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I can be reached at drjudiw@gmail.com..

      To God Be the Glory for ever and ever, amen!

  15. Yup ! Add me to the list as well ☺️ I ‘m so in need of a prayer partner sister ❤️🙏 mechelle 267-441-5182 ….👣👑

  16. Hello,
    What a night God we serve. Here it is I prayed last week for THE MOST HIGH to bless me with a community of people who would love him and love me. Now here I am!

    I also am in of need a prayer partner. The enemy has been trying to attack me in anyway he can, one of those ways have been impulsive suicidal thoughts.

    I pray that this message that I’m writing will be another step in breaking the strongholds in my life.

    1. Good morning 😃 Keisha. My name is Candice Crayne. I will be an honor to have be your Prayer partner. Here is my number 501-772-2258, please send me your number so I can create it in my phone, cause I get so many scam people numbers calling me. Life Point: Stay on top the Attack Not under the Attack, always Fight all your Battles on your Knees, Keisha. 🙏🏽🗡

      1. Hello, I’m open to being your prayer partner, even though I feel like like a mother figure prayer partner would be what you need. I’m sorry for all your dealing with. Do you have a number?

    2. Hi Keisha I have had exactly the same thing, have had attacks of the enemy and also and living in a homeless shelter around so many unbelievers I have been slipping and not as strong, depression and anxiety since young, and suicidal thoughts often, feel like my heart is sick and no joy, just want to be happy… ,it’s draining me , wou

  17. Shabbat Shalom, I am Priscilla and I am looking for a prayer partner . One that loves the Most High in spirit and in truth. One that will lift each other up. One that can travail. One that’s not afraid to go into the enemy’s camp and take back all that was stolen/lost. Much prayer; much prayer , little prayer; little prayer . Come on partner let tear down the walls of the enemy but most of all lets praise, glorify and honor our father ABBA’s majesty name with the faith of our lips.

  18. Hello Joy 😊
    I would love to be your prayer partner, my name is Diana #817-714-3642. If you’re interested, text or if you call please leave message, and I will return call, God bless all you ladies and thanks for this devotional Keisha.

  19. Seeking The Lord Saturday! I am called to Intercessory prayer. I just went through a supplication and purging season and still moving through any residue in my prayer season. I am available to partner in prayer. My number is 773 818-1453. Grace!

    1. Having a church family and friends is something I have been praying about. I am available for prayer. 773-450-5392.

  20. Hi my name is Patricia Dixon. I could use a prayer partner. Phone no 503 810-4641, texting is best until we connect so I can add you to my directory. Lord you know everyone’s coming & goings-what each of your daughters needs & desires, so I pray that you will match us according to your will in JESUS Name!🙏🏽💯

  21. Hi all! I’m Carra and seeking a prayer partner to connect with. I’m a 35 yr old wife and stepmom to 3. On November 11, 2022 I was diagnosed with a large brain tumor after having a seizure in my sleep. I had surgery right away and have since made a full recovery. However, as an RN I have been out of work since. Prior to my health incident my life was so normal or almost perfect and I know God alone has kept me here but I struggle more now with my faith than I ever have in my life. I’m seeking a prayer partner to help me get back on track or just to simply keep me in your prayers.

  22. Hi my name is Sandra. I’m looking for a prayer partner also. I’m going through a hard time but would love to pray with and for someone else.

    1. Hi Sandra, we already have two things in common the love for our God and my name is also Sandra. I would love to be your praying partner my number 518-417-8039

  23. I know this post is a few days old I am looking for a prayer partner I tend to shy away from people from constantly being hurt so I find it hard to trust anyone I feel like I’m being attacked in every area of my life I rarely sleep at night

    1. I’ll pray with you I’m feeling similar just so hard to trust anymore. I’m so exhausted from so much . I love deeply. I forgive. Somehow I’ve became a Martha with Jesus instead of Mary sitting at his feet being still. I miss it so much. It’s like every area of my life is being tested.

  24. Hi, I am Jamaica Eunice. I hope to find a prayer partner. I am battling with my anxiety, and I know I need fellowship to strengthen my relationship with Jesus as a I experience this challenges.

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