A Word from the Lord for You

“The Lord will give strength unto his people; the LORD will bless his people with peace.” Psalms 29:11

“My precious daughter, let My Word give you the strength you need to fight the good fight of faith today. In My presence is fullness of joy, and My joy is what you need right now. My joy is not just a smile, or a laugh to keep from crying, but a knowing that I’m in full control at all times, and I am good. I am your strength and you can rest in Me. You can lean back and recline in My safety. I will never, never, not once, fail you. I will hold you up. I will strengthen you and give you what you need for your journey. Alone you can do nothing, but in Me, nothing is impossible. I will strengthen you as I strengthened My servant David. I will not let you down.”

(Scripture References: Nehemiah 8:10; Psalms 16:11; Psalms 119:28; Joshua 1:5)

5 thoughts on “A Word from the Lord for You”

  1. I needed this divine word, GOD encompass us with your peace and joy!
    May we intentionally seek after you and abide in your presence to be renewed, refilled, revived!

    Thank you Kesha for your obedience, posture, spiritual hearing, insight and wisdom as you share with us from our Heavenly Father ABBA!πŸ•ŠοΈ

  2. He has a song for us that reflects His message. I sing it to calm my spirit when the storm is raging around me.
    “I Am” by Jill Phillips

  3. Yes, I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. For the Lord will never leave me alone in the time of need. Thank you for this timely prophetic devotional. Blessings, Shalom and Agape πŸ‘€πŸ™πŸ½β€οΈπŸ“–πŸ™ŒπŸ½

  4. I have been in the state of confusion. I worry whether I am obeying or disobeying the Lord. I wonder if Im on the right track or doing what exactly He wants me to do. I am burdened. And all I can do is pray, cry and act. But this confusion torments me a lot.

    I thank you for reminding me that God is in full control and He is good. All that has been happening is part of my journey. I shall rest in Him alone. ❀️

    Thank you for your ministry.

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