
“In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation” 1 Peter 5:10, NLT.
My sister, please read the scripture above and share what comes to you, any wisdom or revelation you have, or a personal testimony you think of when you read this verse.

26 thoughts on “#ReadAndShareWhatYouGet”

  1. When I read this scripture I see how as his children God allows us to go through things, which builds in is character, strength, endurance, perseverance and faith. When we’ve gone through he will restore what has been lost and redeem all. I’m this life we will go through things but God is right there with us in the fire and will bring us out better than we were before.

  2. Yes keep the faith and will restore you better than you were before. God is good all the time and all the time God is good and faithful

  3. When I read this scripture I am encouraged. Last year I was diagnosed with a breast cancer reoccurrence. Although devastated at first I have learned and know that everything has purpose and this verse helps me look forward knowing by faith that after all that I’ve endured, God is restoring me, strengthening me, Supporting me, and setting me on a firm foundation to Glorify Him and share my experience of his mercy and grace in my life.
    Thank you for the DOTK community and all the blessings and encouragement it brings.

    1. YAY WENDY!❣️🙌
      Thank you so much for sharing your journey of faith in our Faithful Father God!!
      You build my faith for a good outcome for a possible esophagus surgery.
      HUGS 💕🙌🙌
      Amma Karen

  4. That I will always stand because He will be with me through it all and in Him I have all I need to stand. He is my Rock and my fortress the God in whom I trust.

  5. I have come through an abusive situation with my spouse. What I thought I lost, God has given me double just like Job. He is there with us in the thick of things and brings us to safety in His presence. We may think that while we go through things, we are alone, but we are never alone. He is always there with us as we place our trust in Him, giving us wisdom and strength to help others in need. God is good.

  6. GOD called me to be a disciple within his kingdom.
    Oh that I may know him in the fellowship of his suffering, that I may know him in the power of his resurrection!
    The test, the trials the suffering has helped me to come to know GOD for myself, develop my character and increase my faith and trust in him built on the foundation of his unchanging, unconditional sacrificing LOVE! JESUS!!!

  7. Thank you, Jesus!! This life as with others have not been the easiest road. There has been longsuffering with pain and loss. But this scripture reminds me that God is truly best equipped in our weakness where he is able to manifest healing, love, patience, endurance amd strength. When I stopped trying to fight my battles and demons I made room for God to be my vindicator and my deliverer, my Soul provider and Healer.

    My life is a true testament of this and I have learned, that although we all suffer in the night.. Joy does come in the morning from the Lord and He will prevail with the last word. Amen!!!🙏🏽❤️

    Hallelujah, Praise God. I Love the Lord with my whole Heart and he has choice me to Love back as well. God Bless you Sis Kes and DOTK 🙏🏽❤️

  8. All he says in this verse, I have put through the test and found to be true. As the youngest in my family, I strived to “keep up”, “stand out”, and overcome many situations. As I lived my life to the best of my ability, occasionally looking up for affirmation, I truly put myself in a lot of positions that were not positive. Then, when I thought I had outgrown the childish behavior, and was looking up more and more, reading His word more, BAM. I suffer a 4 clot stroke that disabled me from being able to do anything. Physically that is. God preserved my mind. My memory and my love of Him. But He wiped out all the lingering bad habits that I thought were ok. Being in this condition gave me time to reconsider my priorities. He IS my priority, and He is openly rewarding me with His grace and mercy. His light is shining brightly in me and His love is overflowing from me to whomever he puts in my path.
    Each day is an exciting adventure of learning more about Him and seeing who I can share it with. Tag. Y’all are it! 😁

  9. Our suffering for Christ is not in vain! We can suffer expectantly with hope that Jesus Himself will turn our mountains into molehills and clear the way for His purpose and glory to shine through our lives! This suffering is not to destroy us but so that Christ might be glorified. And all will see and know that He is God and that we belong to Him and have been called according to His purpose!

  10. Good afternoon, as I laid in bed this morning meditating and waiting to hear from God I heard “my life will never be the same”. If you don’t know that is a song by Juanita Bynum. As I read the scripture that is the first thing that came to mind. Blessings…

  11. God is a restorer. Trials and suffering are going to come, but God has come to give us eternal life and victory. The trials will produce patience, and make you stronger in Jesus.

  12. Trouble don’t last always. God is there and he will bring me through strongly. Even after that, I get the real reward of living with Him in heaven and He will restore my everything, especially emotionally. When I read that, I just took a spiritual breather and felt healed immediately. I felt like I can feel however I want and dont have to over think or worry about what others feel or think of me and how I am made up, through Him. I no longer have to think twice before naturally being KEANA! That’s healing in itself!

  13. When I read this I thought about the time I was in an abusive marriage! My ex husband was abusive in every way! Especially mental and verbal! By the time he passed away I was a total wreck, but God…..
    God in His word spoke to me and gave me the peace and reassurance I needed! That I am not what my husband tried to say I was! That I am fearfully and wonderfully made by God! Where my ex husband use to say I am worthless, God says I am His daughter and that I have a high calling on my life!
    I no longer let the past sufferings taunt me! God is changing my life and now I am more confident in myself! He is changing my way of thinking and my life is getting greater with each passing day! His son Jesus is my guide and I am filled with His Holy Spirit!! Jesus is my firm foundation! 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

  14. We will go through pain and suffering trials and tribulations , but because of the blood of Jesus our savior we will make it through and become stronger spiritually

  15. This word is a confirmation for me that soon my mourning will turn into joy. I’m going through some issues at the moment I was feeling so frustrated and low.
    This word came to me few days before and again today. So it’s a confirmation and God is reminding me that he has everything under His control. He knows our fears and sees our tears. ❤️

  16. After reading this passage, I received that God loves me, though life has presented some major storms and heartache he will deliver his promise of a life more abundantly and he will do exceedingly above all else.

  17. Life on this earth is hard!!
    But God has to allow those hard times so we will understand we need a savior that will lead us to Him. It’s in those times that He reveals His mercy, and covers us in His grace, giving us the strength to continue down the narrow path.
    Just like when we are standing on the other side of a tough season, when we are standing in Heaven, looking back at our life on earth, we will see His hand in every detail. Perfecting us, establishing us, strengthening us, and settling us.

  18. After I have suffered awhile through the things that only came to make me strong , I will have full maturity in God then I will be able to stand unwavering in the things of God trusting and believing him for everything without any doubt 🙂👣👑🦅❤️‍🔥

  19. Keep seeking God and allowing older wiser counsel help with their testimony’s, encouragement and prayers or through dreams. Allow God to be the conversation and lifestyle model to help each other

  20. . In 2019 my husband left 4 work 1 morning & never came back! I was left a stay at home foster mom w/ 2 babies & my 2 teens. Basically I lost my husband & soulmate, all source of income, health insurance I desperately needed, the babies had to go to a new home, we had 10 days to pack 9yrs of belongings, my car was totaled on the highway after a truck pulled out in front of me wks after replacing $7k motor & 1yr after neck.surgery, 2wks later my son crushed his skull into tiny pieces in motorcycle accident, God asked me to do somthn I felt so unqualified to do, He asked me to stand in the gap for my prodigal and pray him bk 2 God whom he’s running from & then back to me. These last 4yrs WERE SO PAINFUL, pain I didn’t even know existed, crushing pain YET TOO AMAZING 2 EXPLAIN!! 1 wise revelation after another, heart transformation, He has provided EVERYTHING for us just like He said He would. Lol this is only a fraction of the testimony God is working on through my pain&tears BUT I’d do it all over again if it meant this r’ship w/God, who knew my prodigal & I were better than the people we’d turned into! When God first started talking to me I said if you’ll just make my husband better we’ll be great lol the Lord spoke back and said when I’m ready I will deal with him but right now we’re going to take a look at you and He visually took me bk and showed me my behavior and Attitude. I was so embarrassed of myself and I never want to be her again. We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength cause it SURE HASN’T BEEN MINE!!

  21. Trials build us up to be strengthened and more wise not to break us. He’s with us every step of the way❤️

  22. In God’s grace and kindness, He has given us a gift/reward of eternal life spent with Him because of Jesus’ sacrifice of love for us on the cross; after we have suffered the process of sanctification, the results are we are made whole, rooted and grounded I His love for us, strengthened in our faith walk with Him, and resolved to do His will as the His truth is settled in our hearts.

    (I used the KJV because I didn’t want to keep scrolling up because I’m on my phone).

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