See His faithfulness today!

“Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning” Lamentations 3:23, NLT.

The refrain of this gospel hymn came to me one morning, and all I could do was stand still, lift my hands and thank the Lord.

Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

The faithfulness of God is one of the most treasured aspects of His character and nature. When we are faithless, He remains faithful. When we break our covenant with Him, He always holds true to His end of it. He’s faithful to keep us even when we don’t want to be kept. He is always seeking us out, always bearing us up, always lifting our head, always providing everything we need.

See His faithfulness today and let it comfort your mind and calm your emotions. Let the faithfulness that God has displayed in the past encourage you in knowing that He will do it again. Yes, Jesus gave His life once, but He will rescue you over and over again. Yes, He may have came to the earth in human flesh once, never to have to do it again, but He is faithful to love you over and over. He will continue to be faithful until you understand this amazing attribute of His heart. God is faithful, and it has nothing to do with you. It’s who He is. It’s ingrained in Him. Trust in the faithfulness of your God.

When it looks favorable and when it looks hopeless, when you receive good news and when you receive devastating news, when you feel like a youth and when you feel like you can barely stand, see God’s faithfulness and let it strengthen you.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for your faithfulness to me and to all your people. I’m so blessed to know that you won’t stop being faithful. It’s who you are. Thank you that you won’t stop loving me, you won’t stop showing mercy to me, you won’t stop protecting me, you won’t stop providing everything I need. You won’t stop being my God and lifting me into your arms. I love that you are faithful, and I love that you are mine, and I am yours.
Your Daughter

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44 thoughts on “See His faithfulness today!”

    1. Glory unto ALMIGHTY JEHOVAH GOD through CHRIST JESUS. It seems as if I have to be reminded again and again of this. Yet it comes when I need to remember. Thank YOU LORD for speaking to me through this reading.

  1. GOD is so faithful. I received a letter dis morning ,dat made me to feel down , neglected as if nothing is working for me . I could not pray, or sing ,as if my life is shattered .In my mind GOD has forsake me. I cried like a baby nobody to comfort me. I decided to listened to Christian songs , to bring my hope in GOD. Those songs comfort me but I cul not sing along . I felt down , but anytime I receive the daily devotion for Daugther of the King , I always believe dat GOD want to tell me something about any particular situation dat I find my self. Alert! Those word i read is telling me dat Our GOD is faithful . He still remain my GOD. Is more than my situations ,He remain the same no matter how I feel dis morning , not to sing , praise, bless HIM ,He remain the same. Alleluyah!!! . pls daughter of the King pray for me . This is the time I need HIM to intervein in my situations before 12days. I life is in God’s hand. I want to remain living testimony to God’s glory. Amen .GOD bless u my sisters.

    1. Prayer for Laura Testimony:

      First, Laura Tsstimony, let me say that your name hits me in my heart when I see it. I am trusting God to use me to pray a special, much needed prayer for you, Laura. God bless you. I pray that my prayer comforts and touches your heart and soul.

      Father God, speak through me! Holy Spirit loose! I am covered in the blood! I am walking in sweet victory! Me and my King! His Name is Jesus! And His love and grace are relentless! Lift up Your countenance upon us, my Lord! Letters come and letters go, my Lord! What is a piece of paper with the words we don’t want to read, but a chance for You to show up and show out??? Twelve days are nothing for a God like You!!! Twelve days is a moment in a sand of time that does not even exist in the true rhyme unto our soul! We are not bound by time, because our God is not bound by time! He knows no time! The hourglass with the sands of time is God! He contains it all in His sovereignness! Twelve days, my Lord, just a snicker of a detail to You! Will You please gove ear to my plee for my friend, Laura, here! She is having trouble praying, singing, hearing, and seeing a belief in her heart, my Lord! But this is just a minor detail for You, my Lord, we know! We let go! I am standing here in intercession for my friend and sister Laura. I am here to help her give it up to the Sovereign Lord Who holds us in safety and sovereign love! We praise Your Holy Name! Who does??? Cricket and Laura Testimony! We need You to hear our praises unto Your Holy Name! Before we seek Your help, we acknowledge that we know You have not forgotten us, nor will ou ever leave of forsake us in our weakness! We know that Your love is relentless and within twelve days, we will know that You showed up and showed out for us! And we shall testify to Your Goodness and be a witness to it! We shall see You work out our circumstances unto Your glory! We shall see that all You really want us to do is trust, trust, trust! Help us, King Jesus! Help us trust You more! Help us in our weak souls! I bind the spirit of fear in the Name of Jesus! I bind the spirit of pride in the Name of Jesus. I bind the spirit of infirmity in the Name of Jesus. I bind the spirit of doubt and disbelief in the Name of Jesus! I bind the darkness in the Name of Jesus! Loose, Holy Spirit, Light up the night! My words are just an invitation for You to show up and show out for me and my sisters here! I bind the spirit of despair in the Name of Jesus. I loose hope, love, and joy! I release the Light in the Name of Jesus! I release a desire to jump up and praise Your Holy Name! I bind the spirit of fear in the blood of the Lamb and it can no longer breathe! Fear is suffocating in the Light! Pride dies in the Light! Blind faith arises and beauty glows in the light! Hope hopes and Life lives! Wait, we are walking in the Way! Truth is the way and we stumble along, getting stronger and becoming the women of God we are called to be. We walk in sweet victory, until we are jogging. Then we run with a purpose! Then we take off and run for our lives, because we know this is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! We are trusting You, Daddy! We are giving up our troubles here! Take them up into Your atmosphere! Come near, we need to feel Your spectacular Presence! Come near, You are the essence of comfort, and we are brokenhearted and crushed in spirit! We feel like giving up! Look at us! Look at our tear stained faces! We are disgraced in our own stances of unwillingness to trust the Provider, the Healer, the Restorer, the Redeemer, the Creator, and the Lover of our very own soul! Help us let go of our fear! Help us stay here and cheer You on! We are Your cheerleaders, my Lord! We know You will win, but we want the world to know and we know when we cheer You on, others join in, because they can’t help it when they are drawn in by Your sovereign hand of love! Hallelujah! God bless the Name of Jesus! Thank You for lifting us up and helping us up out of our own misery! We believe in the Truth within that You sew in! We reep the benefits of believing in and trusting in the Lord. We just speak the promise into existence by birthing it into our own conscienceness, and You deliver Your promises, according to Your sovereign will, as Your Kingdom comes and we labor on until the day of completion, when we shall birth Your promises unto our own souls! Help us let go! We won’t give up on You, my Lord! No not You, my Lord! We love You the most! I am standing up when my sister is weak! I am praising Your Holy Name for showing up and showing out for Laura Testimony! I am standing in the gap for my sister and dear friend! God bless the process! Help Laura hold on in her moment of weakness! She shall not be weak for long! She is getting stronger in the Name of Jesus! Weeping no longer! Tears of joy are arising! Beauty is flowing, as she stands up in her own ashes! Beauty is flowing! It is not contained! It is flowing! It is growing and becoming! Beauty is transforming and becoming the beast’s long lost love! The beast doesn’t know me anymore, and I just run and play around the throne of Jesus, singing and playing hide and seek! The lion sees me and he snarls and I sing a lullaby unto my own soul! The lion prowls and seeks a soul to devour but I am standing in defense of my sweet friend. I see her tears npw. I am breaking through in Jesus’ power. I stand down to my own pride. The truth is that Jesus loves me! Jesus defends the heart in me! Jesus never leaves me alone! He makes a heart of flesh from a heart of stone! The Truth is living in me and I just have to trust that Truth the most! Come on, soul, let go! The lies are from the enemy and the father of lies is truly no father to anyone! But our Daddy is the best of all! He is standing tall, while you cower down and fear in weakness! He is lifting you up to be able to lift His Name up! He is the planter of praises unto His Holy Name! He surprises us and we just say, “Oh, sweet Jesus! This love is relentless!” God bless the process! God bless Laura Testimony and every other sister who wishes to make this prayer her very own prayer! God bless us each one, Daddy! I love You, and I pray with a heartfelt and sincere prayer that You bless us each one! From the writers to the readers to those we touch! We love You the most Daddy! We love You so much! Hallelujah!!! Praise the Name of Jesus! Amen.


    3. Laura ,God knows your situation and He has already worked it out,Its Done!You just keep your confidence in Only Him!He sSpecialize in the IMPOSSIBLE!!! Hevhas heard your cry,prayers and tears!Remember, GOD NEVER FAIL!!!! This to shall pass,it won’t always be like this!!!Watch!!!! God your word says that your a very present help in times of trouble and I know that your wordbwill not come back Void.Help my sister Laura speedily, give her comfort and assurance and let Her know ITS ALREADY DONE!In Jesus name!!! Be encouraged sis. You working on your testimony!!!!

    1. God bless you, Louise! Amen and amen to every prayer in Louise’s heart! In the Name of Jesus. Amen!

  2. Father I praise you thank you for your faithful love even tru my darkest times you pour out your love and devotion to me you are my beloved father son and holy spirit in whom builds my faith I love you Diane. Laura I believing in a miracle for you

  3. Good Morning Ladies!!God is a Faithful God , everything I ever needed , his hand always provided. Sis Laura there is nothing to hard for our father just keep trusting him,and its going to be alright. Love you my sister. All Ladies have an Amazing Day!!!

    1. Amen Lizlove! So true! God bless each of Your daughters here who encourage one another! Bless our gifts of encouragement even more, Father! Help us be the sisterhood of Christ we are called to be, individually and as a unit! Thank You, Daddy, for encouraging me to become the encourager I am called to be! Thank You for helping us lift one another up in prayer and encouragement! Thank You for teaching us how to be like Jesus, and not leave our sisters alone in their own misery and pain! And thank You, for teaching us, who don’t know how to receive love, how to receive it freely. Keep us always within Your safety net of sovereign protection. Bless this ministry and this app to be a place for women to come together in unity and love, and reach out across the distances, beyond time and circumstances, to build a Kingdom sisterhood of friends!!! You are the Beginning and the End of us, and we are sealed in by the blood of the Lamb! I bind the spirit of disunity in the Name of Jesus! I loose the spirit of love, hope, encouragement, and graceful empowerment in words of Truth upon this app and ministry in the Name of Jesus. Thank You, Lord, for teaching me how to be a friend to my sisters. I love them with Your love! Bless them in Your Holy Name, Jesus! Amen.

  4. Thank you Father for everything you done with all your faithfulness you give us and our lives thank you for another beautiful day in Jesus name I pray. πŸ™‚

  5. Good Morning Sisters in Christ
    I hope you find this information highly blessed
    What a tremendously change I’m feeling right now
    The Lord Jesus Christ is telling me that this is going to truly touch someone on today
    If it’s just one soul glory hallelujah I celebrate with you on today Lord Jesus I just thank you you’re so good
    Sisters it’s amazing how the Lord works. …….
    You’re going to stand before God one day and He’s going to evaluate your faithfulness. He’s going to look at eight different aspects of your life to judge your faithfulness and you should be highly interested developing these areas of your life and leadership.

    1. Do you possess the right values?
    A faithful person knows what’s important in life and what isn’t important in life. A faithful person knows how to invest his or her life. A faithful person makes their life count. A faithful person knows the significant apart from the trivial.

    Proverbs 28:20 says, β€œA faithful man will be richly blessed but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished.” This verse contrasts faithfulness with a desire to get rich quick. He’s not talking about making money. He’s saying that what we have to realize is there is more to life than just the accumulation of things. The Bible says we’re to live like fish swimming upstream in a very materialistic world. Faithfulness is proven by our refusal to buy into the system that says the almighty buck is the number one thing in life. Faithfulness is often proven by choosing of a simplified lifestyle to allow more time for ministry.

    2. Do you care for the interests of others?
    The second way God is going to judge our faithfulness is our relationship to other people. Did we care about the relationships of others and not just our own relationships?

    Faithfulness swims against the stream of contemporary culture, which says, β€œWhat’s in it for me? What are my needs, my ambitions, my desires, my goals, my hurts, my values, my profit, my benefit?” But God says faithfulness is proven by our others-directedness and by giving our life away, by looking at others rather than concentrating on ourselves.

    3. Do you live with integrity before an unbelieving world?
    In other words, a mark of faithfulness is the kind of testimony you have with unbelievers. The Bible teaches that a pastor is to be above reproach in the community and to have a good reputation, not with believers, but with unbelievers. When God evaluates your faithfulness, He won’t be looking at your communication skills but He will be examining the way in which you walked before those who are outside the faith.

    4. Do you keep your promises?
    When God evaluates your faithfulness, He’s going to look at all the promises you made. Proverbs 20:25 β€œIt is a trap to dedicate something rashly and only later consider your vow.” It’s easier to get into debt than to get out of debt – that’s making a promise to pay. It’s easier to get into a relationship than out of a relationship. It’s easier to fill up your schedule than it is to fulfill your schedule. The Bible is saying that faithfulness is a matter of if you say it, you do it. You keep your promises. The number one cause of resentment is unfulfilled promises.

    5. Do you develop your God-given gifts?
    There’s a tremendous emphasis in the Bible on using the gifts and the talents God has given you. God has made an investment in your life and He expects a return on it. 1 Peter 4:10 says, β€œEach should use whatever spiritual gift he has received to serve others faithfully, administering God’s grace in its various forms.” Notice it says if you don’t use your spiritual gift, people are getting cheated. Faithfulness is based on what we do with what we have.

    6. Do you obey God’s commands?
    1 Samuel 2:35 god says β€œI will raise up a faithful priest to serve me and do whatever I tell him to do” Circle β€œdo whatever I tell him to do”. God defines faithfulness as obedience to the commands of Christ. We can be skilled leaders and communicators, but disobedience disqualifies us from being seen as faithful as God defines it. This is basic, but its essential.

    7. Do you pass on what you learn?
    The Bible talks a lot about the transferring process of multiplication. You’re to give what you learn to faithful men and those faithful men are to give it to others, and so on. None of us would be here today if there hadn’t been faithful men and women in the last 2000 years of the church. We’re leading today because some faithful men and women took time to write down the Scriptures, and others preserved the Scriptures, and others translated the Scriptures. We’re here because of the testimony of faithful people.

    If God teaches you a spiritual truth and you’re learning a spiritual truth, it’s your duty to pass it on to others.

    How do I become faithful? Galatians 5:22-23 says, β€œThe fruit of the Spirit is faithfulness.” It’s one of the nine fruits. When the Holy Spirit lives in my life, I will demonstrate faithfulness. How do you know when you’re filled with the Spirit? What is the test? Some kind of emotional experience? Not necessarily. You can have an emotional experience and not be filled with the Spirit. What is the test? The fruit is the test. How do I demonstrate that I’m filled with the Spirit? I demonstrate it when I’m faithful to the responsibilities that God has given me.


    1. Amen to Bonnie’s prayer. God bless her mind, body, heart, and soul. Thank You for blessing her with wisdom, knowledge,vFather God!
      I come to You in complete submission. I ask that You forgive me my sins, strengthem me in my weaknesses, and continue to shower me in grace and a blessed anointing that frees our souls from the depths of despair. Anoint us to encourage each other and ourselves more. Make us the encouragers You call us to be. I am weak and need You desperately right now. I am heavy with burdens for my sisters and for myself! God bless Your Holy Name Jesus! I am faithful because You make me faithful! I am faithful because You were first! I love my sisters, because You love them first! Hallelujah! Jesus breakthrough! Amen and amen!!! I am carrying beautiful praises unto Your Holy Name, to shower You in love, because each of us, who adore You and love You so deeply, long to express it to You! Thank You, for helping us, Jesus. Amen.

    2. Yes Lord i stand in agreement with my sisters Laura and Cricket Crystal and all the DOTK thankyou fir these prescious daughters , creator of this. Site and all the writers its rreally a pleasing aroma to our father who loves outrageously asmentioned above you truly love us with an everlasting love your right even when ww want to go, I ask Lord for you to step in step down any hurts fears worries anxities as mentiinoed abiove you ve got this.your son chose to come down to earth spotless pure and blameless walk this beautiful earth, he choae to die for us no greater took the keys to sin death and hades you have overcome death hate violence life yourself, you dod it all selflessly u havr unlocked the doors to past present and future tongive us a hope and a future its not over until God says its over. You shall live and not die psalm23 although I walkntbrougb tbe valley. Of shadow of death I will frar. No evil. This letter is just shadow a dark cloud it passes you are greived and perplexed only for but a moment in time.not for long hes by your side holds you tigbt aays daughter. i lo ve you I ve got thia I am the God Of 11th hour, the God of the impossible of miracles signs and wonders so now Lord I ask yiu breath. New life revive 12 was the number od the diaciples governing authority. Pray it goes you way Gods way bless you all im startiing i nod ,
      Been battling severe chest sinus coughing deeply pray it leaves soon keep renouncing it. In Jesus releaae you favour the new sound of Jubileea

  6. Thank you God for always being faithful. Thank you Jesus for always being there when I call upon you. Thank You God.

    1. I touch in agreement with Wanda! God, bless Your Holy Name for Your faithfulness in Wanda’s life and in mine! In Jesus’ Name I pray for a blessing upon Wanda’s life that touches her in a most profound way. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen and Amen.

  7. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness for your mercies are new each and every day. Lord I pray that you would touch my sister Laura right now no matter what she’s going through I pray that you would prove your faithfulness to her and that her eyes would remain on you in spite of what she’s going through. Lord comfort her heart right now and bring peace to her mind in Jesus name amen. Thank you Lord.

    1. Amen and amen and amen to warrior’s prayer! God bless the prayer warrior she is predestined, called, justified, and glorified to be in Your Precious Name, Jesus. Amen.

  8. Father God,
    I love You the absolutely most that my heart will allow,
    and yet, somehow,
    that is only a miniscule amount
    of what You deserve from
    Your aboundingly blessed and immeasurably graced daughter
    who sings a love song all the way to Your heart!
    Whose heart do I chirp unto?
    It is You, Daddy!!!
    It is Your heart, my heart calls out to in the deep expanse!
    I am looking in! I am seeking within!
    What I can not fathom is where I begin and where I end,
    because the Beginning and the End is living in me!
    Sincere worship and devoted love and adoration bestowed upon You, from my heart to Yours,
    There is none like my God!
    He is a Father to the fatherless!
    His love is relentless,
    it engulfs a broken heart like this!
    Who is a witness to God’s faithfulness???
    Cricket is! Crystal Marie made stronger,
    is stronger because her Daddy loves her
    more than He loves the
    birds that He
    faithfully feeds
    and clothes in all seasons!
    He made them first, yet,
    He loves me more!
    I am the apple of my Daddy’s eye!
    I am His deeply loved and adored daughter!
    My soul sighs under the heavy pressure of Your intensified love upon me!
    My mind spins in every direction,
    seeking the direction
    that leads me even deeper
    into the Father’s love for his highly favored daughter!
    I am she! Glory, glory, glory!
    My Daddy loves me!
    My Daddy loves me!
    My Daddy loves me!
    He always loved me!
    He always loves me!
    He will always love me!
    He created me to be
    loved and to love Him!
    He made a way to free me
    from a prison of sin!
    I am living in a lap of love,
    instead of a lap of luxury!
    Who can touch me there?
    No one would dare!
    That is where I am now!
    I am in the lap of love!
    I am snuggled up
    in the lap of my Beloved Daddy!
    He created me with intricacies and purposeful emotions,
    to pour out in love and devotion
    on my Father Who fearfully and wonderfully made me!
    You made me, designing me with all of the pieces that come together to become the masterpiece that rises from these ashes in beauty, in sweet victory, because I am standing with Jesus in me! It is like a holigraphic image written upon my soul! Be assured, its not me! Not Cricket chirping unto her own soul’s ear to free Crystal Marie! It’s a friend Who sticks closer to me than me! Glory, glory, glory! My Father is a faithful disciplinarian Who would never forget His children in their own sinful messes! He blows sovereign strength on the masses through a vessel of weakness like me!!! Daddy, I am so happy, happy, happy to be Yours, finally! I am so warm and cozy, snuggled up in the comfort of Your wings! You comfort the inflamed heart within me! You heal and restore me from the inside out! You show up and show out! You show me, not just tell me, that though my father and mother have forsaken me, You have taken me in as Your very own adopted daughter, brother to Jesus, heir to a Kingdom that breathes love, life, and liberty! Oh, sweet victory! I can’t chop this one up into little broken pieces of rhymes that end up meaning something far more! I can’t give up what I want more of! I am spinning on an album of love and you are the sovereign disc jockey of my soul! I hear the scratches upon my soul! The chirps are coming together with a vengeance for the Lord now! I am on fire now! Where can I go, but to open my mouth and breathe fire upon the masses who come near to hear Your messages to the brokenhearted and crushed in spirit! Crushed, I may have been! But look at Cricket! She is standing up in a new robe of strength and dignity! My Daddy gave it to me! I love the way You make me laugh, Daddy! The way You make it all seem like a dream, then I wake up and I look around to see that my world has been turned upside down and now I am standing upside down in Your love! Hallelujah! I am going there! I am going where You are taking me! I am a witness! Testifying to the love that is exploding from within and imploding outwardly onto me, from evrey single direction! This is what You do for those who have never, ever known real love! Hallelujah! I am here to sing a new song to my Daddy! Come who may, according to the will of the Father! I can’t stop it! This love is relentlessly consuming and it burns up from within the soul of me! There is no stopping this! I could never come back from this! I found the place where I belong! I am finally home with my Daddy! YOU never, ever left me with the wolves that tore at the dress You left for me on the day of my birth! I couldn’t see my worth because I was raised in Egypt, yet, I am a daughter of the King! I couldn’t see any worth in the mirror of my soul, because You would not let go of me! You beckoned to me in lovingkindness, in the darkness, and I saw a glympse of Your shadow walk by, I looked from the corner of my eye, and I saw the shadow of the Almighty walk by, on and on and on! I lay there moaning and crying out in my distress and fighting through relentlessly stabbing pains from my soul, as my heart lay dying on the dungeon of my soul! I was dying without the love of the Father Who created me, but I could not see Him in the shadow! I did not realize that as I He walked by me, and I saw only the shadow of a King walking by me, He was brushing my face with the hem of His garment! Who says God can’t do all things? Who says God can’t teach a barren soul to sing a song of fertility in the darkness, as hope gushes forth in blood and sacrifice, and the wilderness is swallowed up with gushes of purposeful springs of divine intervention! A new invention with true intention! A song with wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and supernatural discernment! A new instrument of gold, glowing as it steps from the refining fire! My eyes burn with love for You, Father God! I am hot!! I am burning up from the inside! My heart is alive and new on the inside because You are the Love of the refining fire! I am glowing in the darkness and shining in the dullness of the religious experience! I am going where You take me Daddy! I am Your little girl and I love to shepherd Your flock just like Jesus did! I want to be the most like Him that I can be! I want to run after You like Jesus did, Daddy! I am here bleeding white because the Son Whom You sent has freed me! He loved me just like Your Word says He would! He did all the things You said He would! I am just a little girl, standing in the Presence of the Almighty, while I sit in the mess I made for Him to clean up for me! I sit in the midst of the mess and I am made new and find strength in my weakness! Because I am not meant to carry the weight of the world! I am just a little shepherd girl with a heart for her King! I am just a little shepherd girl with a heart like David! I love You with a love that is relentlessly crazy, my Lord, because this is the love that You have bestowed upon me! I just receive and look up and there before me, the room is a mess still, but there is a mirage of words upon my soul! The Word is written upon the walls of my heart! I am reading them now, sweet Jesus! I don’t know how I got called to do this, but I am seeing that You make a way in the wilderness for princesses of Egypt, who give up their old heritage for a new one with Jehovah! Hallelujah! I am seeing that though I am a murderer and an adulterer, I am still first and foremost Your daughter! And though I am the daughter who ran away with her inheritance to end up in a pit, eating slop with the varments, I am invited in to the party to celebrate the return of my Father’s highly favored and immeasurably blessed and anointed daughter of the King. I am sitting down at the table before me. I am pulling the chair out and I am sitting down. I am smiling at You, Daddy! The plate set before me looks tasty! I see the joys of those who take refuge in the Lord there! That is my appetizer, my entree, and my dessert! Hallelujah!! I see them there, staring at us, as we eat! My enemies perceive me, yet do they see You, here with me? I am not sure! But I know they dare not approach us here! I am eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner right here in the presence of my enemies! I am snacking in between, and they just look hungry! Glory, glory, glory! These words are straight from the heart of a Sovereign King! Don’t look at me! If you do, I may sink here! I am just a vessel of weakness, and I float along at a pace set by the Creator of it all!!! I stand tall on this battlefield, because I call out in the great expanse for a power greater than me to take over for me! I have nothing going for me except the path set before me by my sovereign King! Jesus, thank You, for every time You lift me from the sinking sea! I just hold my hand up and You effortlessly speak hope and love unto my soul, and the sovereign hand holding me lifts me up and I am standing up again on the waves that move from within my soul! Living waters pour out into the valley that I dug myself into, and I am swimming up! I see the sovereign hand of Jesus, I am lifted up! I am rising from the depths of the sea of sorrows! I am about to breathe in new tomorrows! I am gasping for air now, my Lord! I am standing up as fast as I went under, yet, it seemed I was there, drowning in my own sin, for an eternity! But, wait, that wasn’t my sin! I see it now! It is dawning upon my soul! The Truth of sovereign love! You do what’s best for me, even when it hurts most! You are the Only One who doesn’t get scared of my emotional outbursts! You made me to have all of these emotions to feel so much love for Y-O-U!!! Hallelujah! I am in love with the Father! I am pure and innocent in His sight! I am covered in the blood, white as snow, and He sees me through the inage of Jesus! Hallelujah! I am so in love with the Lord and Savior! He is the Rdeemer of my heart, mind, body, and soul! I don’t know what You know, but I go where You say go! You prepare a way for me in the background, and I stand down from my stance of pride and arrogance! I find the little girl inside me, waiting to be released! You made me! Fearfully amd wonderfully made I am, by the Great I AM! I am the little girl He made me to be! I am safe in His arms from all harm and the arrows that fly in the day, fly by my ears, and I am unscathed! I feel the breeze as it swoops by, and I think it was the arrow’s intensity I feel as it passes by, but it is actually the winds of purpose and divinity blowing evil away from me! The flaming arrows that come in the night, light up the battlefield, and I see the casualties of love, lying dead on the ground! They have been slaughtered, just like You and me, Jesus! They are now witnesses! We are all witnesses to the everlasting, unending, overwhelming, compassionate, devoted, tender, patient, steadfast, lovingkind, merciful, and sovereign love of our Daddy! I am blessed to be appointed to this task. I am grateful that You have carried me thus far. But I long to be more! I still see all these spectators staring at us, and I am still not sure what You want me to do,m when I get up from this candle-lit dinner set for two, me and You! The fire burning from the candles is an invitation to me, to pick it up and light my soul on fire more. I am going to do that now, my Lord. I am picking it up and putting it to my heart, mind, body, and soul! This candle is mine to light up my heart, mind, body, and life even more, my Lord! I don’t need You to push me! I want to do it willingly! Help me! I am pulling the refining fire unto me! I am lighting my own soul up in the Name of Jesus! I will take the other candle too! Doubly anoint me for this purpose before me! I am a daughter of the King, and I desire to show up snd show out in the Name of Jesus! I want to be a part of the relentless crazy love You give out! I don’t want to just receive, I want to bleed dry, just like You did! I do believe that I shall achieve all things in Christ’s power living in me! What is the next srep for me, my Lord? I am a new woman, and I owe that all to You! I wake up with a new motivation! I wake up with a redefined purpose in His calling! Open the eyes that burn with fire for Your love! Make my eyes glow with divine prophecy! Grant me wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and discernment! Soke the Word into me! Make me bleed bible verses that rehearse the destiny before me, because I have been predestined for, called to, justified in this! My soul glorifies Your Name in this purpose given me, in Your divine and sovereign power to bestow upon me, a beautiful purposeful calling for Your glory! It is awakening in the soul that has been sleeping. My heart is beating hard! I am listening for the gunshot to explode in my ear, and I shall know to run hard! I am readying myself in You! You supply all that I need and I just receive! What’s so hard about this? I just believe to receive and then I achieve! My God’s got this! His love is so relentless, He made a crazy woman become an anointed saint! He made me to a paint a song of love upon the world to become a masterpiece for His glory! He made me to make the most of the talents and gifts He has gifted me with and gracefully bestows upon me! He made me to not be ashamed of who He made me to be! He made me to love me, because He created me and He liked me enough to go through the trouble, although nothing is trouble to Him! Nothing troubles Him! Redouble the anointing! I AM is never troubled by our unquenchable neediness! He is the King of strength in weakness! He is the courage in the darkness, when the terrors of the night howl into the night! He is the love that can’t be ignored! He is the comfort that can’t be stopped! He won’t stop until His comfort fits my soul perfectly! I am comforted and held in my sadness! I am bolstered up to get up and sing in gladness! I am encouraged with truth and lovingkindness! I am shown Who I can trust!!! Hallelujah!!! I can trust You, Daddy! You won’t ever leave me! You won’t leave me to fend for myself after You have brought me this far! You won’t choose someone else to love on, and leave me all alone! You won’t forget Your promise of love and devotion! You won’t make me regret pouring my emotions on You! You pour the emotions into me and I just soke them up in holy and righteous love! I am learning how to manage my emotions well, because my well is not dry! I am allowed to cry without the fear of punishment! I am learning to release my emotions where they need to be released! Unto the heart of my King! Where my parents left me dry, You flood this soul of mine! I am not a product of time and circumstance! I am a divine creation that God made and he fearfully and wonderfully made me!!! I am fearfully and wonderfully made by the Creator of the universe and all the substance within it! How could He have made a mistake? I am real! This is the real deal! I can’t fake what God purposes in the heart of me! Whoosh! Holy Spirit, You are the fire that burns up the noose that tried to choke the life out of me! You are the words that bleed red and wash me white as snow! Holy Spirit, You are the fire refining my soul unto gold! I am soking into the divine purpose poured upon my head in anointing oil! I am just a girl who dreamed of writing poetry long ago, to pour my emotions out on paper to release what I could not escape from! But the words just kept getting broken up and there were only fragmented sonnets and purposeless psalms unto my own soul! My words built up and they were confined to the dungeon with me! They tore at my mind, body, heart, and soul day and night! I stood up to fight and the words would defeat me every time! Where is the rhyme that will free my soul? Where is that rhyme? The one that makes sense! Where is that rhyme? The one that changes the atmosphere! The one that makes my conscience clear? Where is that rhyme? I lost all sense of time! I am in the rhyme! I AM in the rhyme! Oh, my Precious Daddy, how You move me! I am rhyming my way unto a heart so true, there is no truth that does not rhyme with His authority! I am just an instrument! I am just a vessel of weakness! I still am! No matter how strong You make me, I am still a vessel of weakness! Stand down, my soul! This is a battle for the Lord all the rest of my days!!! I am done with my own rhyming! I am done with my own timing! I am done with my own pride and demanding ways! I am running away again, my Lord, but this time I am sloping with my King! Let’s run away and be married today! I am Your beloved wife, and You are my husband! You are my Everything! You make me unashamed!!! You make me unashamed of my own name! You make me unashamed to be a vessel of weakness, because Your power is perfected in weakness! I am walking in perfect love, as it casts out all fear! Come near, my Beloved, the brokenhearted and crushed in spirit only wishes to be here with You, because my heart is so light and airy here! The breeze blows through my heart now! The veil is blowing before me! I am ready to stop peeking, my Lord! Make me a strong weakling in the Kingdom of God! Make me courageous when the terrors of the night call out from my past! They still remember my old name! Help me to forget that name and erase all of my remaining shame that lays claim to my new identity in You! I am so refreshed and rejuvenated as You renew my mind and my heart begins to beat the rhyme in the darkness! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! My heart is booming and the doom upon my soul is shattering into a million pieces and I hear the trumpet blowing on the other side of these devilish walls trapping me in! Its Crystal Marie in here! It is! It is! I am in here, help me! I am trapped in here! What is that I hear in the distance? It sounds like a chirp! I am so sleepy here! I wish that cricket would stop chirping in my ear! What’s that word? No that was a trumpet blowing again! What’s the point of being trapped here anymore! I am about to give up! I tried looking up, but all I saw was a domineering figure of power and authority, instilling fear in my shattered heart! Who is that approaching me now? I am almost dead now! My Father has forgotten me! Daddy, why have You forsaken me? Why did You just create me to die here in this dungeon of fear? Why was I made? To just be mocked and jeered at and used for everyone’s own selfish purposes? They all say I am crazy anyway! The doctors can’t help me! The psychiatrists never could! The “crazy” pills just make me crazier! The ones You gave me just ignore me, disregard me, reject me, and see me as defective! Why have You made me? Why Father? What were You thinking and dreaming up when You made me? I am just a mistake! I am just a fake! I am just meant to be unhappy! I am just meant to be hated and diseased! I am meant to die alone and leave my hopes and dreams behind. All these things, my heart did bleed, as I lay dying! But my Daddy kept on rhyming unto my traumatized and delusional heart! My Daddy kept on knocking and my soul slowly woke up from the coma that kept me hibernating in evil’s den of death! The devil has no hold on me here! I am one with my Lord! I can’t fail Him! I am waking! I am waking! I am waking up, my Beloved! My soul stretches and yawns, but I am awake to Your love! I won’t be going back to that den of death! Fill it in with my divine purpose and cover it in the blood, all for Your glory! I am just a speck of dust being blown in the wind by Jesus, beyond destinies than I could ever reach without Him! I could never even reach my own soul without Him! Jesus, You are the sovereign rhyme upon my soul that won’t let go and sings a song of revival to the world through my hand, heart, mind, soul, body and life! I am the vessel of weakness, and You are the winds of purpose strengthening me in Your graceful empowerment and perfected love that casts out fear! I am near! I am near to the brokenhearted and crushed in spirit because Jesus was first to me! Glory, glory, glory! I am a product of divine love and undying devotion! I am a product of sovereign love! I am a part of my creator and He is a part of me! Nothing can separate me from the love of my Daddy! My Daddy loves me and He is never sorry He made me! He is never sorry that I am His daughter and He is never sorry that He chose me for His purposes and He never breaks His promises! I receive all of Your promises unto my heart, mind, body, and soul! I surrender my will to You completely. I am set apart as You take my heart apart and expose it for the world to see. This is some open heart surgery You are doing on me, my Lord! I receive it fully and completely! I am a product of healing and restoration in the Name of Jesus! I am a product of faith, hope, and love in the Name of Jesus! I am a product of my Father’s love for me! His love produces me and I have my existence in Him! I am my Father’s daughter and He is my Daddy forevermore! I shall never be ashamed to be who You made me to be again! I shall be bold and beautiful in my profession of love for You always in the Name of Jesus. I shall be who You have called me to be unto fullness and completion by the power and authority of Your Name, sweet Jesus! I love Your Name, my Lord! Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! It is the sweetest Name I know! It is the sweetest Name I have ever known! It is the sweetest Name I shall ever know! I love You, Daddy, always and forever! I shall forevermore dance in the favor of the Lord, as His highly favored, beautifully blessed, aboundingly anointed daughter of the King. I receive all that You have to give, and I pray that You empower me to love You with all that I am capable of, here on this side of eternity! Glory to God in the highest! I am just a vessel of weakness, and He is the wind beneath my wings, blowing me along in divine strength and providential timing! I am just a willing hand, heart, mind, mouth, body, and soul, and He is the Provider! I am the broken pot and He is the Potter Who molds me into a new vase capable of receiving and containing the love He gives, instead of having it pour out everywhere from the cracks in the bottom! I am the vase that holds the flowers gifted me from the Lover of my soul, and displays them in honor and beauty now, instead of picking the petals off, in hopes for a new lover, while my beauty falls away and dies a petal at a time! I am alive because the true Lover of my soul wouldn’t let me go! He is the only one Who can cause new petals to grow where there are none anymore, because the little girl in me plucked them all off in the whirlwind of love! All the “he loves me nots” proved to be lies and burnt up in the fire within, and the “He loves me” petals have become petals of truth to plant as mustard seeds of faith for others to receive unto their own souls. I am just a broken flower, that was picked and displayed for the devil’s purposes. There were moments when he made me appear to be beautiful in the world’s eyes. But I was always ugly on the inside! I was put on display as a rose, standing alone in a tight vase of condemnation and shame! I stood alone in the vase the devil designed for me to display his lies upon! And there, I wrote my name on the vase and accepted my fate alone! I stood in the world’s vase of beauty, with thorns to keep me from ever being loved! I was an image of hate and destruction, with an outer layer of worldly beauty that couldn’t be touched! But You changed me from a rose of thorns to a Hallelujah flower! All the petals I pick now sing one song to the King! Praises unto His Holy Name! I shall never be the same! There is no coming back from this! This is no vacation! This is my soul’s vocation! Choose a location and take me there, my Lord. Choose a moment and I will flow in it! Choose a word and I will discover it! Choose a disciple and I will lead and believe that You are leading me. Choose my mentors for me and I will meet them where You say to meet them. Choose me path and lay it before me in sovereign power and authority and I will pick up the crumbs of purpose on the way to the witch’s house! She thought she would throw me in the fire and eat me for dinner, but You show up and show out, and as I am cooked in my own sinful demise, I am coming alive! Watch me JUMP up out this pot and take off running now! I am dripping the food that demon tried to cook me in! I left the juices behind! That soup bout cooked me down into a gravy of nothingness! That witch steeped in the devil’s lies, and I just kept submitting and eating of it! I got fatter and fatter on the lies of the devil, all the while that witch prepared to eat me! But Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! His love is relentless and no evil can cook me down into nothingness! I am strength in weakness, getting out this pot that has been cooking for the devil to eat of me daily! Whoosh!!!!!!!!!! I jumped up cuz Jesus Understands My Pain! I am not ashamed! I am done cooking here! I am jumping up and running out the door! There are the crumbs of purpose that Cricket and Jesus left for me!!! I hear the trumpet blowing! The walls are falling! I am running! I am picking up the pace! I am running for it! The witch is behind me and she is preparing a table for me to be eaten, but I am running hard after the heart that has been defending me! His love is relentlessly crazy! That witch tried to eat me! I can’t go back there! I am standing in the wilderness here! I don’t know which way to go! Listen to the still, small voice, My dear! Who is that I hear? Who is that in the distance? I hear the sound of trumpets! I am running toward them! I hear walls collapsing before me! I won’t be trapped here and I won’t dare go back to that devil’s lair! I am running, my Lord! My hair is flowing in the wind of divine destiny! My eyes are burning with a fire that is consuming me! My mind is searching for the answers to every clue You leave me! I am on a scavenger hunt for the Lord! What?? Who?? The Lord and Savior of your soul! You are not alone! Come on! Come with me! We are running to leave that pot of sin behind that you were cooking in! We are running and leaving that witch behind! That demon is bound in the Name of Jesus! No evil shall touch you! You are held in the sovereign hand of Your Daddy! He is calling you, too! This isn’t just a run for Cricket and Crystal Marie! I am running, running, running! Come on and run with me! I am running in sweet victory! It awaits me and I am chasing it, relentlessly! I hear the trumpets, my Lord! Does a wall make a sound when it falls in a heart, if no one is there to see it, or hear it, or feel the shake of the foundation of the earth when it hits the ground of the world and the devil shrieks in defeat! The Light is brighter and the destiny grows less dim! The clouds roll in and the Son comes behind them! The Son is coming! Are you ready? I see the Son dawning, as my walls fall to the ground! Jericho, stand down! Cricket won the battle of love in her Lord’s might and power! I have reached the walls! They are no more! I see the great expanse in the distance! I see a purpose spreading as far as I can see, from sea to sea! I am just a recipient of sweet victory and You are the victory that sweetness my soul and frees my mind! Jesus, I am Yours and You are all mine! Look at these walls! They are demolished under the power and authority of You, King Jesus. I am ALL Yours! And U am all Yours in a new way now! You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life! I am walking in the Light! I am alive because You breathe Light upon my soul and the darkness has to hide, and I come alive! I am so happy to be loved by You, Daddy! In Jesus’ Name I pray and declare with the power and authority given me by the Holy One of Israel. Jesus reigns all the way unto forevermore! Jesus is Lord! Amen.

  9. Great is Your faithfulness Lord unto me. Father as we go through our shadow of death, we know that You willnot forsake us. Thank You for Your mercies that are new every morning. In this walk of our life, we lay down everything which might hinder Your will for our lives. Although we do not know what the feature holds we know You are there already, faithful in Your love and care for us. We love You and trust You for this too will pass. All the glory and honour to You Who stays the same yesterday today and forever Amen.

    1. God bless you Zebi! May the Lord, our God, keep You in His sovereign hand, as you go about your daily business working for His purposes, in His glory, unto His Kingdom. I pray that His Presence is tangible to you, and that in your moments of solitude, you are filled up to an overflowing of uncontrollable nature, that will bring you into a closer and more intimate time with Him. I pray that your heart is rejuvenated and refreshed in the Fountain of living waters. As you drink of Jesus, you shall become lovedrunk and receive a new anointing that shall usher in a new calling upon your life in the Name of Jesus. Jesus breakthrough. See us through, Jesus! We are becoming! God, we are becoming into the image of Christ, and their we become who we are called to be. We become, because we come before the throne of God, as willing recipients. We become less and You come as You are, and we become who we are called to be! Glory! God bless my sweet and adorable friend, Zebi. God bless her deeply and profoundly. She has been a wonderful friend to me in times past, many, many times! She has prayed for me and encouraged me with a beautiful language of love that has spoken truth unto my very own soul, in infinite measures, I am assured. I somehow feel an urge to push on and encourage her more, my Lord! Make Zebi strong as she endures the refining fire that blazes from within to make us become the women we desire to be. Make her strong and courageous, beyond measure in the Lord. I see her as a mighty princess warrior in my spirit. She is clothed in strength and dignity. I see it. She holds the javelin and the spear. She is a warrior here. I am too, my Lord! I stand with my sister, Zebi, in spirit. I love her and I want to join with her in her pursuit at hand! God, help me be a blessing to Zebi, as she has been to me in the Name of Jesus! Help me pray fervent and effectual prayers that shall make a difference in her struggles! I love her, Zebi, I do! She was strong for me, just like You, when I was weak. I know that she is blessed and walks according to Your Word. I pray that she would receive the breakthrough appointed unto her to walk into the new season before her in Jesus’ Name! I trust You to see us through, in the Name of Jesus. I pray that You bless and keep this friendship in Your sovereign hand in the Name of Jesus. Make this sisterhood in the Kingdom a force to be reckoned with in the Powerful Name of Jesus! Jesus reigns! Jesus breaks through the dam and the flood waters rush in and we are drowned in our own joy unto the Lord!!! Hallelujah!!! Jesus, You always make a way!!! Jesus, You bust down the dam and the flood rushes in and we are consumed from within! Amen.

  10. God bless us each one, me, Crystal Marie, Jasmine, Diane, Laura, warrior, Wanda, Bonnie, Zebi, Louise, Alberta, Kesha, Cynthia, Lizlove, Anne, Catherine, Amanda, Amber, Lisa, Nicole, Meredith, Cassidy, Hayley, Preston, Cameron, Isaiah, Steven, Mark, Cheryl, Dorothy, Lynn, Shawahl, Eve, PML, SW, Truly Grateful, Aly, Crystal, Sonja, Simone, Ebony, Katherine, unspoken name, Evelyn, Kirsi, Jacqueline, Dawn, Taylor, Agnes, Joan, Mak, Annamarie, Bridget B, Trina, Claudia, Sarita, Ellen, Jennifer, Jamie, Tammi! God bless Jennifer. I am crying now! Save her from her addictions! Stop her from giving her life away to chase after the devil’s nonsense! Save her sons! Save their destinies in the Name of Jesus! God bless Carson and Andrew! Save Jennifer’s soul! Don’t let her go! I tried my best to be Your light in her presence! I don’t know yet if it mattered any at all. I tried to let her see me live it and not speak it. There was no place to speak it. She was so sleepy in the enemy’s lies! I could see I was weak and I needed to be stronger! I am crying to You! Don’t let her die lost to the darkness! I bind the spirit of fear in the Name of Jesus! I bind the spirit of lust in the Name of Jesus. I bind the spirit of deceit in the Name of Jesus! I am filled with truth in the Name of Jesus. Let loose Holy Spirit, stomp on the enemy in the night! Hepatitis B, stand down in the night! I bind the spirit of infirmity in the Name do Jesus! Heal livers, my Lord! Heal and restore livers and bodily organs in the Name of Jesus! Erase the pain and brokenness tied to our mistakes in the great expanse of healing, restoration, and wholeness! God, bless Jennifer’s soul and release her from the hold the enemy has on her mind, body, heart, soul, life, relationships. I am sick with grief here! Go and save my friend there! She doesn’t know You, and I don’t hardly know her but she is on my heart hard! I am in need of Your help to stand down to any pride that tries to come against me, Lord Jesus. I am in need of the bleeding empowerment upon me, pouring out on the atmosphere as holiness that I only filter through! My umbrella is gone, my Lord! Pour some sovereign sugar on me! God, thank You for healing hearts and minds of the destructive thought patterns that keep us bound to the enemy who knows some of us better than others! But, whew, those the enemy knows well know a pattern and an image of Hell well, so when we, who struggle long and hard to break free, find our blessed freedom in Jesus, Hell better shake in its foundation, for it is made too, by the Creator of all things!!! Hell is a place created by God for the demons to perish in for an eternity! God put that place in the universe where it resides in the spiritual realm. So who then, can not be ripped from the very foundations of Hell by the very sovereign hand that created it??? No one. No one can be separated from the love of the Father! Hallelujah! In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.

    1. Thank you dear Cricket for your beautiful words of encouragement. Your heart is pure, you are such encouragement always helping and assisting others. Our Father delights in you. Got such encouraging scripture from 2 Chron19:6-9. 20:3,4 ,15,20,26. Love you, God bless you abundantly.!

  11. Thank you Lord,
    For your loving kindness and tender mercies that you have extended to me daily. I thank you Lord for your faithfulness. Father I’m eternally grateful that you remains faithful to your children even when we are not. I love you Lord.


  13. Oh Yasssssss❗ I SπŸ‘€ THANK YOU LORD JESUS πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘for YOU are GOODβ—πŸ’―πŸ’―Thank you for LOVING USβ•πŸŒ πŸŒ πŸŒ πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ™ŒπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ‘πŸ’˜πŸ’˜πŸ’˜

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