5 thoughts on “Let God’s Word Be Enough | Isaiah 55:11 | Video”

  1. This Word right here is so so timely! I can’t even put it in Words. It’s like God saw my heart and sent you to give me this Word as a confirmation! I love Our Heavenly Father and I thank Him for you and your obedience to serving us His daughters β™₯️

  2. Prophetess Kesha, this Word from God did bless me. His Word Has Been Becoming Enough For Me As I Walk With Him Daily!!! The Bible Really Is His Love Letter To Us!!!
    I Was Talking To Myself Yesterday Saying How It’s Full Of Riches, Becoming Treasure To Me. Thank you for being obedient and sharing an “On Time Word” that builds.πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
    May you be watered as your water and may God give increase where it’s needed in your life. In Jesus Name. Amen. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  3. Wow!..so timely, exactly what am battling with….God bless you my sister.Am blessed this morning, especially your illustration with your baby Faith..

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