Real forgiveness is taking place.

“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10

“I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.” Psalms 34:4

My youngest daughter, Faith, loves to ride her bike around the neighborhood. One day while going down a hill, she fell. After that experience, every time we came to a hill of any kind, she refused to ride down. To help her with her fear, I took her to where she fell. I said, “Faith, bend down and feel the ground with your hands.” As she placed her hands on the concrete, I said, “Now say, I forgive you ground for hurting me, and I forgive you, Faith, for falling.” Well, it worked. The next time we came to a hill, she happily pointed her legs outward and rode down just as carefree as before.

Forgiveness is powerful, my sisters. It frees us. Sometimes we wonder why we’re stuck and unable to enjoy things we once enjoyed. It’s because unforgiveness can be in our hearts towards ourselves and others, and we don’t realize it. Until we are enjoying life again the same way as before, we have to ask ourselves, has real forgiveness taken place.

What have you chosen to no longer enjoy because you are afraid of getting hurt again? The enemy wants to steal your life away by causing you to hold on to past hurts. But your Father loves you too much to let that happen. He’s going to help you with those fears. As His Holy Spirit reveals areas you haven’t enjoyed because of unforgiveness, you’re going to receive His help to forgive yourself and forgive others so you can truly live and enjoy your life!

Prayer: Father, the enemy wants to steal my life and things I enjoy because I’m holding on to hurts and choosing not to forgive. But thank you, Father. You deliver me from all my fears by helping me walk in forgiveness with myself and others. With your help, I forgive myself for falling, and I forgive every person who has ever hurt me. Thank you that I will live the abundant life you created me to live. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

9 thoughts on “Real forgiveness is taking place.”

  1. This spoke to my spirit so deeply, for a long time I held on to the hurt, it took me years to forgive myself and others.
    I will start speaking forgiveness over the things that hurt me over the people that hurt me over the choice’s that I make that hurt me.

  2. Thank you for speaking to my Heart this is a word spoken to me on something I Must do to free myself of any guilt that I’m carrying for the decision I have to make really coming from my heart i know that’s what I have todo to break any strong holds that keeping me stuck in a situation as to where I was hurt and betrayed I know God Hears so I’m offering up to God that if I have any unforgivness in my heart toward myself and the situation &others hear my prayer I ask for your mercy and real forgiveness …. In your precious Name Amen πŸ™πŸΎ

  3. Good morning my lovely spirit sister I enjoy the word for this morning I thank God for you coming into my life u are amazing awesome pastor and I give God all the glory amen

  4. Thank you, thank you for this devotion glory to God I for gave myself from hurt pain from my pass. In my present I have for gave them that has hurt me in spite of them not forgiving me father God have your way in my life and give me what you desire me to have, I trust your word I lean on your word and your truth, and forgive myself and others God deliver me from all my pain and hurt from my past that everyone is not the same and we can forgive in spite of them not saying they’re sorry and that’s just who I am. I am a woman that forgives a lot and I think God each day I wake up, and when I lay down, I give him praise and glory. In spite of my pain and trouble that’s in my way I can love abundantly .Thank you sister β™₯οΈπŸ™πŸΎ

  5. I Forgive Me 🎢🎢
    Hallelujah! Amen!
    Only with God’s guidance am I able to forgive myself and others. Truly, it’s easier said than done. But God!

  6. Father, thank You for this Word!!! Real forgiveness is taking place now, and I receive it In Jesus Name. Amen. ❀️❀️❀️

    Prayer: Father, the enemy wants to steal my life and things I enjoy because I’m holding on to hurts and choosing not to forgive. But thank you, Father. You deliver me from all my fears by helping me walk in forgiveness with myself and others. With your help, I forgive myself for falling, and I forgive every person who has ever hurt me. Thank you that I will live the abundant life you created me to live. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


  7. This devotional speaks volumes. I think I am forgiving, but deep in my heart there is a lot of hurt. It seems like my trying to let go is never ending because someone else comes along and hurts me. May the Lord help me to refocus and go deep into my heart to purge out everything that is not Him. For His Glory. Thank you for this timely devotional. You and your ministry is very much appreciated. Blessings, Shalom and Agape. πŸ‘€πŸ™πŸ½β™₯οΈπŸ“–πŸ™ŒπŸ½

  8. Once again this devotional is on time, I will forgive and let go of all my past hurts in Jesus name Amen πŸ™

  9. Thank you for this… So many times we hang on to our hurts, and we hold ourselves hostage to what happened.
    Thank God that I learned to forgive and free myself to live the abundant life He promised.

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