The Threshing

I honestly can’t remember what prompted me to watch videos at 2:00 a.m. about how wheat is separated from chaff; nevertheless, that’s what happened.

I had no idea what the visual would do for my life. I only hope writing about it will be a blessing to you, too.

There’s a threshing tool that is used like a hammer in one of the videos I watched, where the harvest was put inside of a pillowcase and beaten until the chaff broke apart from the wheat.

Then, after the threshing, the winnowing process begins. This is where the wind blows away the chaff that’s beaten from the wheat, and then only what’s useful has fallen to the ground and been saved.

In Luke 22:31, Jesus told Peter, “Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat.”

Sound familiar?

Remember Job?

Do you feel there’s a threshing going on?

Not much fun, huh?

It brings on a whole new meaning of being “hammered,” that’s for sure.

It’s necessary for wholeness.

Then afterward, when the wind [Holy Spirit] brings the change in driving away the chaff [worthless portion; i.e., sin and crappy attitudes] out of our lives, Psalm 1:4, we are useful for His purpose.

In James 1:2, we are told to count it all joy when the trials come. Pretty tough in the threshing. I think most of us spend more time asking, “Why?”

Well, that question has been answered.

Why would a loving God allow such a terrible blow to you and me?

Because He wants to perfect us and make us holy [as He is holy]. He doesn’t want us to perish. He wants us to shed our sinful nature and those impurities and be like Christ.

Friend, if you are in a painful threshing right now, I want to encourage you; a beautiful wind of change is coming. It’s all part of the process.

Those tears you’ve sown, He promises joy in the harvest (see Psalm 126:5).

It’s dark inside that pillowcase, and oh, the pain.

But there is hope!

The wind of change is on its way.

Dear Heavenly Father, help us to be thankful in the threshing, as Your Word instructs.

It’s difficult in these times, and while there’s grace to help in time of need, teach us in this dark time to see Your Light shining where, in our flesh, we would otherwise fail.

We need you.

We know this necessary time is Your Will for our all-things-work-together-for-our-good future!

May we praise you and thank you where we can’t see what’s ahead.

In Jesus’ precious and Holy Name, Amen.

By Donna Lynn Smith, DOTK Writing Community

21 thoughts on “The Threshing”

  1. Glory to GOD πŸ™
    For this beautiful blessing right on time message and devotional
    Words can’t explain
    I’m so grateful ❀️

  2. Amen πŸ™πŸΎ Thank you, father God for delivering this message. This inspiration encouragement of your truth through this beautiful ministry. I declared and saying in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen again.πŸ™πŸΎβ™₯️

  3. Wow! Just wow!

    I was inba threshing period for 19 months. One day, I stepped from the garage into the laundry room when I heard Him say the word: threshold. I knew I would soon see a change, but what was soon to Him? He did go before me, to make my path straight, but I would have to wait 9 more months. And what happened in those last 9 months of the 19, was watching Him move small and big in circumstances that seemed hopeless at times. This article is absolutely divinely given and written. Thank you! Blessings to all!

  4. I am currently in a threshing moment. Guess what? I’m going to praise Him anyhow!
    Our God is greatly to be praised.

  5. This has truly blessed me today. I am in this season and I thought no one really understood what that pain is.

    I felt like God was lovingly ministering to me by giving me His perspective.

    Thank you for sharing this. It is beautiful.

    I am a Donna Lyn alsoβ€οΈπŸ˜‰

  6. Hallelujah Amen! A word that definitely resonated with me. It blessed my soul and fed me good! Thank you for reminder to stay steadfast during our valley season.

  7. Thank you Donna! I’m determined to keep praising Him in this time, and being thankful for so many blessings even though it’s also a tough time. I know better days are a-coming! Winds of change are a-coming!
    I’m dancing on the threshing floor!

  8. Good morning Father, thank You for waking me this morning to worship You! You are an awesome God! There is no other like You! I put all my trust in You, most gracious Lord! I am ging through a ruff time right now, but my heart is happy, knowing that You are here with me! Your presence out way the darkness by far! I thank You for Your persistent love Lord God! These things I pray in the precious name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen! πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ

  9. Good morning Father, thank You for waking me this morning to worship You! You are an awesome God! There is no other like You! I put all my trust in You, most gracious Lord! I am ging through a ruff time right now, but my heart is happy, knowing that You are here with me! Your presence out way the darkness by far! I thank You for Your persistent love Lord God! These things I pray in Jesus Christ name, Amen! πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ

  10. Thank you for this timely devotional. It is encouraging as I am going through. Blessings, Shalom and Agape πŸ‘€πŸ™πŸ½β™₯οΈπŸ“–πŸ™ŒπŸ½

  11. Amen! & Amen! Thank You, dear Lord, for leading me to this devotional app & the beautiful messages within. I’m grateful to You for everything You do for me β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈπŸ™πŸ•Š

  12. I sooo neeeded this, it feels like punishment, but necessary!
    Send your fresh wind Holy Spirit! πŸ•ŠοΈ

    What a revelation, TY sister πŸ’œ

  13. Thank you..This really helped me. I heard the Spirit say I’m removing the tares from your wheat. So much confirmation

  14. Wow!!!!!
    I have been questioning God for some time now about why He allowed me to experience a very dark time in my life. Absolutely nothing made sense about it. I also ended up losing friends and other things that seemed familiar. Little did I know that I was going through a threshing and little did I know that the Holy Spirit was blowing away that which was not useful in my life….Little did I know that there would be a divinely written and anointed Word. such as this that would answer my question of “why”.. Thank you for delivering such a powerful word. God bless you and the team.

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