Who is your Delilah?

“The secret of the LORD is for those who fear Him, And He will make them know His covenant” Psalm 25:14, NASB.

The Lord shares His secrets with those who deeply revere Him and love Him. He confides in them and makes His covenant known. My sister, in reading this, I asked, who are we sharing our secrets with? Have they proven themselves to be faithful and true? Samson found himself confiding in the wrong person. Delilah was conspiring with the enemy to capture him, and here he was telling her everything. There was something about her that weakened his will. Maybe it was her beauty and her smooth words. Maybe it was the sex and that he felt heard. But whatever it was, our brother ended up with his eyes gouged-out, grinding grain in a dungeon. This is the part, my sister, when we have to be honest and ask ourselves who and what is our Delilah? Who and what weakens our will? Who and what causes us to share what is not supposed to be shared with just anyone? Let’s recognize it and ask God for His strength and wisdom. Let’s imitate our Father and share our secrets with those who have proven to be faithful and true.

Prayer: Father, help me be spiritually discerning and wise. Everyone isn’t for me. Strengthen me when I feel like sharing everything too soon. Help me imitate you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Read Judges 16)

9 thoughts on “Who is your Delilah?”

  1. My LORD This Was GoodπŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎ. Thank You For Your Sensitive Ear To Hear The HOLY GHOST.

  2. Prayer: Father, help me be spiritually discerning and wise. Everyone isn’t for me. Strengthen me when I feel like sharing everything too soon. Help me imitate you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈ

  3. Jesus help me in your name to stop share secret things when I think someone is for me and really they are not. It takes me a while to open up. Father God continue to help me in Jesus name Amen πŸ™πŸΎ

  4. This is a very honest post.!
    People gossip and talk about others like a dog in the street! Your own family will belittle you. It’s best to get a therapist and a journal!
    Dear Heavenly Father,
    We heard your word and we humbly submit to your beautiful will for our lives. Lord sometimes the pain of the world can really tempt us to share our troubles and struggles to the wrong ppl. Who do not have our best interest at hearts. Lord I pray you shut every door that’s connected to a person with the wrong intentions. Lord allow them to walk away from us or just no longer be in our presence.
    Lord I pray that you surround us with good hearted ppl who truly care so we won’t have to constantly watch our backs. Lord I pray you open our relationship up in a deeper meaning to where we run to you for comfort and not the human vessel.
    Lord I pray from this day on we no longer over share and seal the lips of the gossipers who spread our business. Protect us from all evil and harm in Jesus Name Amen

  5. Good morning many blessings to your family. I have shared your devotionals with friends and families for many years and you have been a great blessing to me doing my devotional this morning. I was wanting to share the devotional like I always do every day, but he doesn’t give me that option, any more to share with friends and family.

  6. My sister is s right that people do talk and assure you they are for you but actually waiting for your downfall jealous that God has ordained you to a higher place in Him so they will find all your short comings and use them against you, we fall because our nature wants us to trust but the word says trust no man, and that’s what it means; not even your family they are the worst because they know you better. Just let God be your guide to lead you into your ministry don’t allow the Delilah of selfish gain traps You remember God will guide you which one and who you should follow.
    Thank You Lord for our eyes to see and not have them gouged out because of our sinful flesh.
    Praise You Lord In Jesus’ Name and for His sake Amen….

  7. Very timely word of knowledge and guidance. Much appreciated. Thank you. Blessings, Shalom and Agape πŸ‘€πŸ™πŸ½β™₯οΈπŸ“–πŸ™ŒπŸ½

  8. Hallelujah! Amen! I pray for God’s guidance when sharing my “secrets”..

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